
Friday, July 13, 2007

Onward we Go!

I don't usually write about my personal health...as it is pretty darn great for a (almost) 46 year old girl...but today is Friday the 13Th and I am a bit leery as I had my purse stolen many years ago while I was out running at the college track..dumby me for having it out there in the first place...and I really loved that bag too! But..anyhoo..I got a phone call today from a doctor at the local hospital..

I went in about two weeks ago for my usual yearly mammogram..and have had some little findings removed that were always nothing..I am SO grateful.

They told me I was fine..they said there was an area that had some "calcification" but not to worry..I was healthy and to go on home and rest easy!

But then the phone call today...the doctor told me that in looking over my films and the sonogram again...he saw a Mass and a cluster of spots in one area and he is concerned...and I would need to go in and have it Biopsied as soon as they could schedule me in...

Tears...then more tears...then I went for a really FAST 3 mile run at the track..like 28 mins fast...

I felt better then..and I feel o.k. now...but I did live in Marin for 13 years and that area has the highest rate of Breast Cancer in the US..and I lost too many girlfriends to that horrible disease...but I am a positive thinker, and I have a trip to India to make, shoes to deliver...and I have a Marathon to run..so sorry, I don't have time for that right now..or EVER to be honest with you. Onward we go. End of discussion~~~~

Om Shanti


A bird in the hand said...

Tracy, my initial reaction was that it wasn't serious; it's going to be fine. But -- do you remember the angel healing cards? I decided to pull 2 cards for you. The first card was "Healing", and the second was "Answered Prayer."


(P.S. I don't seem to have your email address}

Tracy said...

i do remember those cards! and to my recollection they were always right on...thank you so much for that reassurance and your intuition!