
Friday, July 13, 2007

The Kindness of Strangers....

Dear Tracy,

I'm very pleased to hear that you will make it to India soon.

For a while I was thinking how I could make you some joy, too. Now I'm sure that it is the shoes for your Indian kids. I will go downtown tomorrow and I'd like to send you some. Do you need some sizes? Is it better to buy some sandals or decent shoes, for boys or for girls? I'd like it if you could give me some recommendations, what makes sense to buy.

Have a wonderful day.


Just so you know...and for the record...Ursula is anything BUT a stranger to me...but she sent me this email this afternoon...and I just want to say..all of the people who have sent me shoes, have basically been Strangers to me...meaning..I have never met them in person..nor have I spoken to them on the phone...they have been people whom I have never met..and so I say "The Kindness of Strangers" because there is a saying regarding that..

and now it is so true to me and it resonates so deeply in me..that if you ever think that the people you don't know, or have never met before...could sometimes just surprise you so and be even kinder than friends you do know or even family...it is so true...just believe that!

and with that, I Thank You Ursula..for your kindness and compassion and just know how deeply touched I am by your generosity and friendship...

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

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