
Monday, July 9, 2007

Not playing anymore...

Dear Ganesha~
Thank You for you for removing the BIG obstacle in my life that was killing me for over two years..
I feel 100% now and just had a kick a** run at the track! I felt like I was flying and the 4 miles felt like 2! I knew you would would help me out on this one...I just didn't know when the time would come. But it has arrived and this girl is raring to go now!! So "Good-Bye" Plantar Fasciitis "Hello Marathon"! And...... Thank You Ganesha! (it was caused from Dog Walking by the way....4 hours of that a day will kill ya!) But the money was great~!~ It may have been worth it!!!
Oh, and by the way...the pain was incredible...but it was manageable. I just don't want it ever again. Now that I have had it in both feet...may I please be excused?
Om Shanti!


Hellotmf said...

I'm sitting here eating a piece of chocolate cake, reading about healthy you - running a marathon! I wish I had your discipline!!! :-)


Tracy said...

Tracey...don't you know I run Marathons so that I CAN eat the cake!!! Funny girl ;>