
Friday, July 27, 2007

So Blessed

I heard from the doctor while I was running...I was afraid to leave my cell phone in the house...as I knew the moment I started my run she would call...and she did..and my results are...that the Biopsy was Benign!!! I was just so happy and relieved and I felt so blessed...I picked up my pace a bit after that call!
I had a feeling I was fine..but you just never know until they send it to the lab. The Universe knows I have much work left to do here on this earth..and so I will continue on...now I can buy my airline tickets~!~

My PC Pod for my Suunto tells me that I am over training...so I suppose I need to slow down a bit..but when you feel so awesome when you run..and just so strong and fit..its hard to not go "full out". My heart rate is a lot lower..even when I am working above average..so my heart is getting that much stronger as well...and my fitness level is pretty darn good. Its amazing how when I was just practicing yoga and not running for awhile..my lungs would burn and my heart rate was up to 178 bpm during a run..now, my breathing is so smooth and fluid again and my my lungs don't burn and my heart rate only gets up to 165 on full out sprints. I love seeing that! Also. running uphills is so much easier..when I was in Dharamsala earlier this year, we walked up lots of hills and I would be panting for air..my husband even said to me.."Man, you sound like you're so out of breath..." I was...I was out of shape too. I just have to add my running to stay fit and keep my heart healthy. It works for me..and my legs love it too! I LOVE to Run!

Om Shanti!

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