
Monday, July 16, 2007

the passing of time...

I once had this Yoga teacher...and she always, always had these little "stories" for us during class...like maybe while we were in a particularly difficult pose..and we were to hold it for sometime..she would pass the time telling us these very wise insightful stories.

I remember one in particular...

she told us that situations in our life may they be happy, or sad, are there for only a time...

situations in our life were like a clock...they always pass...even if we are at our most happiest...this time will pass and we will move into a time of sadness or hard times...but that time will pass as well..nothing lasts forever...every moment is like a clock and all must move on with time...

Change is inevitable, whether we like it or not...our wonderful days may end up in a night that seems dark...but with the dawn brings a new day and a new time for us to experience again..the passing of time.


Ursula said...

Hi Tracy, I'm looking forward to your pictures every day. They are always a surprise and one picture is more beautiful than the other.

What a joy in the morning to see them.


Tracy said...

Thank you Ursula! Im happy you enjoy them~