
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Giving in to what is...

If and when you travel to India..there is one thing that you must always remember..and I think it holds true for most anywhere you would travel to that wasn't a familiar place to you...a place that you aren't accustomed to..things you have never tried...ways in which the locals live...and the way of life where you are going.
That One thing you must remember is Patience..(actually two things) the second being Acceptance. It sort of drives me crazy when I read some stories from people who are visiting other lands and all they do is complain. I mean..if you do enough research and you know people who have gone...and you do have an idea of where you are going and what you will be dealing with...and you still complain..why even bother to go? I also can't accept it when people talk so badly about the locals where they are and how they act or what they do.. I mean..it is where they live..and it is all they know..You really shouldn't condemn people for living life as they do..when that is all they have ever known since they were born.
Then there are those that take it all in and learn so much and GET so MUCH out of the experience..truly they are changed by the whole experience and come back home and are really never quite the same person as they were when they left...and in fact can't wait to get back to it again one day...their heart literally longs to be back there....
I believe it is a Karma thing...a Past Life...a Remembrance if you will, of being there another time..long ago...something that only the Soul would remember...but somehow WE do remember.
It all depends on the person I suppose and where they are in their life and it really has nothing to do with how great of a Yogi or Yogini you are or think you are..nooooo..not at all..it doesn't even touch on that in the least...it's so much deeper than that..really it is...it goes beyond the realm of knowing...
But you really must Give in to What Is...to get to that place...and if you can't..you just aren't quite there yet.
OM Shanti

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