
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Friday the 13th....a day too soon...??

I made the appointment at the Doc's office to get all of our travel meds..you know..that dreaded thing they call Malaria...never had it and never want it. So we always take that..along with some precautionary meds...just in case! Next Thursday we get our Typhoid Injection..such fun were going to have! Just love all that stuff..NOT.

It's been a pretty crazy day..and if I didn't know any better I would have thought today was Friday the 13th instead of tomorrow...but thank goodness for Yin Yoga! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......what a relief~~~~that and some nice Organic red Wine....yes!

So it looks like India....here we come!!! Creative Visualization...Chanting...Positive Thinking...all the ingredients to making wishes come true!

Om Shanti~~


Hellotmf said...

Tracy! I'm so happy you're going to India! You must be thrilled! You must have very good karma!! :-) xoxo, Tracey

Tracy said...

Hey Tracey!!
I am over the top!! I have been told that about my Karma a time or two...or three...!!I am so grateful~ thanks for being behind me along the way my friend~
Shoes!!!! More Shoes too!!!
xoxoxo tracy