
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

To live with a Purpose

and so..after getting email after email from all of my concerned friends..who actually know all about my passion and drive in helping the less fortunate...

they have expressed concern that maybe I sounded a bit harsh and critical in my last post...

I may have....but just them knowing how sensitive I am on this matter and how it is my driving passion...they understand me..so well in fact.

I hope my readers do as well...It is my passion and has been for about 5 years now, and will be my continuing mission for the rest of my days.

I'm not sure if I have metioned this before in my Blog...but my husband and I plan on moving to India when he retires in 10 years!

Yes..yes, that is the plan. It has been thought out over and over again...and as many of my friends who know me well, know that India is where I long to be.

I plan on setting up a foundation before we move and also taking care of the many stray dogs that reside there...

I have no intention on staying here in California when the time comes. I can say Good-Bye and go and be so very happy inside knowing that I am finally going "Home"~~~~~

I love my life and am very grateful for all I have been given, but this to me is just a place we must be to make the money we will need in order to have our life in India...one day..and to do what we must do..what is truly inside our hearts to do.. and that is "To live with a purpose"...we all have a plan here on earth...it's just finding out what that plan is and then Living It!!

Om Shanti!!

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