
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Paying it forward

I have been often asked recently, what prompted me to take up a collection of shoes for the street children of Mysore...
Well, to be perfectly honest, it was something that was bubbling up inside of me for while. Since we have moved from Marin County to a more laid back Grass Valley and I am now "retired" from my Dog Walking Business that I had in Marin..I have had some extra time on my hands.

I knew that I wanted to do something of some good to help the people in India. A place that you all know by now is a place that I love with all my heart. My 16 year old son Oliver just helped plant the seed a bit further into the ground so to speak. Especially when he came to me that day a few weeks ago and told me that HE wanted to do something for the people of India as well.

I guess you could say I have had a "charmed" life. It didn't start out that way when I was born...but I was privileged enough to be adopted when I was just 6 months old...and that is when my life changed..for the better. You could say I am "Paying it forward" in a way. I don't know what my life would have been like if that woman and man who wanted a little girl so badly had not adopted me. Who knows where I would be right now...but I'm here and I CAN make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Along with a little help from my friends...and family!

So in case you are "new" to my Blog....My son and I have started "Walking in their Shoes" and we are collecting new or slightly used shoes for the children of Mysore, India. We already have 6 pairs..(4 are on the way!!) But we still need more!! So if you have any lying around that your children no longer wear...and you have a moment to pack them up...I would be so grateful to you!

Please know that we will be making little tags for every pair of shoes we receive that has your name and where you are from when we give them to the children. You may even get a Thank You letter from them! I will be taking photos when we give them and blogging from India so it will be like you are there!

My address is~

Tracy Cox

242 Fairmont Drive

Grass Valley, CA


Om Shanti!

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