What I said was..."Wouldn't it be a treat if we ran into that girl who was in the movie "Guru" while we were here"? Before I go any further..let me just say that sometimes, very often, I will say something and then it will happen...it's like I can foresee it. It doesn't happen everyday granted, but it has happened on more occasions than I can count..and it NEVER takes my husband by surprise anymore.
So anyway...he knew who I meant. She is that very pretty blonde haired girl from the UK and she was living in Mysore and I remembered her so specifically from the movie, as did my husband, because she is just such a "Light" to us when we watch that movie. She is an Inspiration to us both. You know when you see someone...and it's just like..."Wow, what a special spirit that person is". Well...so off we went to get my hair done that afternoon. I had an appointment at 12:30 in the afternoon. My husband escorted me there~so sweet...and we walked in and we sat down and then suddenly...There she was! She was coming out from the back of the salon...and I saw her coming towards us and I looked at my husband and I looked at her and I said (something so stupid) "Aren't you the girl from the movie "Guru"? She couldn't have been sweeter as she laughed and said jokingly.."Oh NO...not again!!" But she came out and we all sat and had a chat together...My husband and I weren't a bit surprised that we saw her...it just seemed meant to be.
We actually felt so comfortable around her, and it was so ironic when she said that she felt like she had known us for years. Because we just felt the same way with her.
Anyway, it was my turn to get fixed up at the salon...so we said our Good-Byes...
But you know how you just can't forget a chance encounter..I emailed her a few days ago telling her how much we enjoyed meeting her and when we get back to Mysore how we would love to see her again. I heard from her via email this morning and it was such a surprise! I know we will reconnect again in Mysore in January~ it's such a nice thing to meet someone who just SO inspires you in your life! What a Blessing she is to this world!
Om Shanti~
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