
Friday, June 15, 2007

taking care of business....

This morning I awoke at 6:00 am...and might I say, that is early for this girl!

But I could no longer sleep~ so I jumped up and got myself ready to go.

It has been in the high 90's here each day and the heat really makes me weak. It totally wipes me out~but I wanted to do a 4 miler at the track today...so I got an extra early start to beat the heat.

Awesome run!! I just love the smell of the track...it has this distinct smell...and a true runner would know exactly what I mean! I've never been a competitive runner...but I don't like to be passed up either...does that in fact make me a "Competitive Runner"? I don't know, but I've just never felt like one. This morning I was being lapped by a woman at the track...and like I said...I just don't like being passed up. So I turned on the gas~ I love that I still have "IT". Being almost 46 years old...I feel good about it.

My son and I had to go and apply for his Passport as well~~~wow...he's really joining us next year! It will be so great having him there this time. He will learn a lot...and come back a better, stronger, more compassionate person, with more of an understanding of what we have here compared to what little some have there...I am looking forward to this with him.

So, we have this wonderful used bookstore in town called "Tomes". It's HUGE!! (Ursula, you would disappear never to be found again in this place!!) And we found some great old books..I think one of them must be out of print for sure...But he has these little gems on his shelves and I just love going in there so much!!

Happy Weekend

Om Shanti!

1 comment:

Ursula said...

I get lost everywhere, especially in large bookstores.