
Saturday, June 2, 2007

21 more days...

until the "Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run"!!

I can't say it's a race that I've ever longed to run...but I do admire all of those who have entered and tried to at least finish the thing. Our very good friend from Tiburon, Reed Bennet ran it once and did get the coveted belt buckle. You must finish in under 24 hours to get it. He had a hard time walking for a few weeks after that one.

I've done some pretty hairy races in my days...The Dipsea is one I won't forget...you begin in Mill Valley (marin) and you run up 676 steps to begin the race and continue on on through trails with names like "Suicide", "Dynamite", "Insult",and "Cardiac"...just to name a few. You run all the way over the mountain to Stinson Beach. I had been asked to run the race by Reed, because he knew my race times were fast and he wanted me to qualify his wife Jacqueline to be invited to the Invitationals. The bad part is I had NEVER trained on the course before. I had NO idea what I was in for...I did finish...but I was over the time by 5 minutes..hence she didn't qualify.

I was full of sweaty dirt all over my legs and I'll never forget what some guy said to me at the finish line..."I just wanted to tell you that you kept me going through the race, you were ahead of me the whole way and all I did was focus on your bright red shorts"! Well..at least that helped him get through the race.

Anyway, this year, another friend will be running the "Western States". Kim Abundis, from Ventura. She is a 47 year old package of dynamite herself. She runs 20 miles a day..10 before work, and 10 after work. On the weekends she does 50 milers. She IS ready for this. We've been emailing each other, and I will be out there on Race Day when they come in. The finish line is 20 minutes from my house. I hope I can see one of my "Idols" of the running world Dean Karnazes. Of course he wouldn't miss this either. "Mr. Marathon Man" himself. Gosh...I wonder if he'll just run home from the race...that's only about 3 hours from the finish line...he's been known to do that sort of thing.

Makes me want to go for a run all of a sudden!


Ele said...

Greetings and Salutations!
This is my first time blogging (I am a little embarassed to admit that...)but I came across your blog and wanted to say that I too am traveling my path of enlightenment, am a runner and love nature (dogs included) as well. Do you have any recommendations as far as books or websites? I have been practicing yoga for quite a few years but I am looking to find more re teachings, prayers and meditations. I live in Baltimore and unfortunately this area is some what lacking in resources. Thanks for any input you may have :) I wish you hope, health and peace...

Tracy said...

I would suggest doing a google search in the area that you are interested in. I'm not sure what sort of teachings/prayers you are interested in. There is such a wide variety out there!! I am Buddhist, so I follow my practice in that way...But if I can be of any more help, just let me know!