
Saturday, June 16, 2007

a day early...but it means a lot!

And so tomorrow is Fathers Day~ I am a day early on this...but what the heck!

I miss my Father everyday...he was the BEST! I had him with me until he was 92 years old! How lucky is that?! He lived such a good life and treated people with respect and dignity. He never yelled at me or raised a hand to me my whole life. All he did was give me love and that was the greatest lesson and gift I could have ever learned from or have been given.

He still visits me...except now he does it while I am sleeping...in my dream state. But it's like he's right there...

a connection that strong never goes away....

Happy Fathers Day Daddy!

My husband of 19 years is also the perfect example of a great Father as well...

he is unselfish, giving, loving and he truly listens. Most of all he makes us laugh! My sons are so lucky to have him for a Father. He would do anything for us..but then that's what a Father does. I have been twice blessed...

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~Elizabeth Stone


Caroline said...

Happy Father's Day indeed.

I enjoyed reading about these wonderful people in your life - such a gift.

Tracy said...

Thank You Caroline!
So sweet of you to say~
Have a beautiful day today with your family as well!