
Wednesday, June 27, 2007


After my Yoga Practice this morning I was sitting in meditation..and suddenly I realized that I am Obsessed...

Not with myself, or with my practice...not my self image or what I look like to others...not with what I own or what surrounds me...

No...not all that petty garbage that is in our face everyday..I am Obsessed with the things people don't like to talk about..or see...or recognize as Truth.

Am I alone in wanting to do good things for those who have so little? Is it easier to think "What a nice thing to do"...rather than to actually DO? It's just so frightening sometimes to me, what it is that people find so important...things that are just so Unimportant and so Impermanent.

Then there are those who dedicate their lives to those in need...they give up all of the luxuries in life and just go there and Do IT! People who just can't live another day without just going and doing the things that would make the world of difference to the people who think that they have been left behind or forgotten in this Huge, Rich world that we all inhabit.

I just can't wrap my brain around it somehow...

How much better this world would be if we all just stopped to think about others rather than ourselves so much of the time...

My God..what a world it Could be.

Om Shanti


Anonymous said...

You are filled with so much wisdom and honesty. I think it's just the fact of the matter that most people are so closed off and out of touch, ungrounded and self cntered that they can't even begin to want to make a difference. But if it somehow get's them something in return...they sometimes do.
I have sent some shoes to you by the way..I hope you get TONS!!!!
You are the change that we need to be in the world for sure!

Anonymous said...
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Tracy said...

Thank You Mariah!

Tracy said...

Altruism is the willful sacrifice of one's own interests or well-being for the sake of something that is non-self. It is also often defined as being the selfless concern for the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures, and central to many religious traditions. In English, this idea was often described as the Golden rule of ethics. In Buddhism it is considered a fundamental property of human nature..."for the other anonymous person" just so you know the meaning. Namaste!

Ursula said...

I love your pictures. Good evening Tracy. Greet you. Ursula

Tracy said...

Many Thanks Ursula~~

A bird in the hand said...

Tracy, I agree with you. If everyone did something, no matter how little, it would make so much difference. Through good times and bad times, I do what I can every day, whatever opportunity that comes my way to give a hand to my fellow humans, even if it's just giving my lunch to a homeless person on the street.
