
Friday, June 29, 2007

The Joy you will find in the the Mailbox...

After a hugely busy day out and about..with no practice either...

I came home to a box that contained the above magazines as well as Manju Jois CD of Shanthi
Mantras...a happy girl indeed!
I really enjoyed Sharaths interview. His love for his Grandfather is so touching it makes your heart well up..and his love for his personal practice is so encouraging and full. It makes me want to be a better Yogi and person. I do try to be..but his interview enforces the importance of both.
I get caught up with the "running" aspect of my life and then feel that my practice should be at the forefront...it's hard when you are a natural born runner..of 29 years. But my practice makes me feel so "balanced" and at peace...where as my running gives me HUGE endorphins and nice quads..but I love the effects of both of my habits! I have been dedicating everyday to my practice after having some conversations with some pretty awesome Yoga teachers whom we all know...!! It is what will carry me through the rest of my life in a more healthy, wholesome, balanced way of being. In mind and body.. Especially after I move to India...as when I am there I never run! Only practice, practice, practice. My practice is a modified practice..as I have never been a gymnast or a string bean type of girl. I was a Fitness Trainer for many years as well as an Aerobics Instructor right out of High School. I found Yoga many, many years later. I have the strength and the balance and a lot of flexibilty for being a runner for so many years...it's just sitting in full lotus or lifting my body up and holding it there...uh huh, yeah...maybe one day..a long time away. But I am in no rush, and I do respect my body for what it's limits are and where I am in my practice. Maybe that's why I never get injured....I learned a very long time ago to respect my bodies limits. It might even have been that time I had a stress fracture on the top of my foot and had to teach 3 Aerobics classes that day...yeah, that was the time I learned that lesson. When I was in so much pain I couldn't even press down the gas pedal in the car to get to the gym. But went and taught anyway....
we live and learn though! May have taken 46 years...but I did learn~!~


A bird in the hand said...

Just to let you know I've kept up my daily yoga practice! I'm already feeling stronger and for sure a lot more flexible. Now I really want to put aside some time every day to meditate.


Tracy said...

I am SO proud of you!! It does make all the difference in the world doesn't it?!
It completely changes your mind space too...that's what I have noticed so much more. Peaceful mind...so nice!
You actually think differently.