
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

the lesson....

Have you ever had one of those "Light bulb moments"..? I am sure you have, we all have them...but last night I had a BIG one!

Upon the recommendation of our fellow Yogini Ursula...I ordered the book by BBB "Beyond Power Yoga", I wasn't going to..I have SO many books on Yoga that I assumed I had enough, first lesson, never assume anything!

So I went online and ordered it through Amazon, my favorite place to buy my books.

It was from a private seller by the way...

Last night I was reading Chapter 2 "The Work;Yoga in Action", BBB talks about how she got married to her current husband and they moved from her tiny 300sq.ft. apt. in New York to a little cottage in Connecticut...she said it was something she had "envisioned" in her mind...finding a place so that her 12 year old dog Timber could live his last years in the country instead of New York City.

Then she talks about how she goes to the pound after her dog died to find a dog she had "envisioned" in her mind that she would like to have and she comes home with TWO of these Siberian Huskies and how she spends the last 400.00 that they have to their name on these two dogs vet appointment for shots and neutering and etc....

Her husband comes home and FLIPS out that she had spent the last of the money that they had..and they needed it for rent the following Monday and how could she be so inconsiderate and ridiculous and on and on and now they are broke and have 2 dogs.

(here is the light bulb moment now...) Then I get to this page and there is this little yellow sticky piece of torn paper stuck to this page and right where this little sticky yellow paper is on this page I read....

Buckminster Fuller has always been one of my heroes. Bucky's theory was that if you support the Universe and it's creatures, following your DHARMA, the universe will support you, and that includes economic support.

Now that might not mean a lot to you reading this right now...but for me it was HUGE, bigger than HUGE even!!! As that is how I have always lived and continue to live to this day in the Charity that my son and I have created and the animals that we help and have rescued.

As a matter of fact...every time we have gone to India, we have done this and will continue to do so..forever..

now back to the book...

BBB finishes by saying that she had a Yoga student in New York before she left and he was a Gymnast and him and his wife sent them a card a few days later saying how much he appreciated her helping him with his Yoga practice so that he could live his life without back pain and inside the card was a check for $400.00 and he said his wife and him thought she could use the money! Do you have goosebumps yet???

It happens like this a lot...for me it does anyway. For my husband and myself it happens just like this and I will tell you why. Because two weeks ago my husband was saying to me, "Honey, do you really think we should go to India next year or just skip it."? I said.."We HAVE to go to India next year, we will have the money for the trip, and we are taking those shoes to those Orpahans in mysore and helping them out"!! (he was thinking we should just send them and skip the trip)

Two days later I went to our mailbox and on the very top of the pile of mail was a check...I opened it up and it was a check for $5975.00! It was from a class action suit that the UPS drivers had against the company from about 4 years back.

See how these things work??? The more you give, the more you get. It's always that way, and that is why we never hesitate to just keep on giving to the Universe and its creatures!

OM Shanti!


Ursula said...

I am glad that you like it. BBB writes about so many aspects of yoga. She does yoga for 30 years. It is a book full of experience.


A bird in the hand said...

I do believe that (you already that). It happens to me once in a while. When you are fearless and have faith, and your goal is a good one, a way always opens.

The book is fascinating. Thanks for sharing some powerful tidbits. xoxoxo

Tracy said...

Ursula~The book is by far one of the best I now own...and I love the way she writes!
Colette~I know you know this is true....and that you would "get it"!
Thank You both~