
Friday, January 25, 2008

leaving Gokulum....but taking so much with me!

It has been an Incredible, Magical, Heartwarming..and sometimes Heartbreaking time here in Gokulum...I am so very happy that I made this journey though. Never any regrets. I learned so much about myself...my strengths..and my weaknesses. I learned things that I would never have had the opportunity to learn..to sit in a Meditation Class with a wise teacher..mind blowing that man! Chanted with the awesome and beautiful sounding Jayashree...as well as Sistrashree...

Anu told me many things about India...about the customs and beliefs...and of course her never ending knowledge on Indian Cooking! By the way..she has a cookbook in the works...so when you come to Gokulum..stop by and see if it is ready to purchase..Liz, our dear friend from London did a lot of the photographs of the food!!

Ganesh..King of the Castle here, kept me going with his daily humor and smiles..and Poochie..sweet Poochie...what a kick that guy is. he keeps us all in line! Kumar, Harish and Manjula...the amazing, helpful staff here at Anu's Bamboo Hut. What would any of us do without them?? They are so Great!!

The man who kept me looking sharp each day..by ironing my clothes at 3 rupees per item!

All of the great people from all over the globe whom I met and became friends with....

and of course..one of the main reasons I came here..to distribute the shoes that many of my readers and friends sent and meet the street children and work with Operation Shanti. What a treat. An amazing feat of Love and Compassion on their part...and they just keep doing more and more. I just can't say enough about that organization. A true labor of Love and Giving to those who so very desperately need it!

I am leaving for the Monastery tomorrow morning to spend time with our Monk and his sister and Mother and of course his teacher...the sweetest soul whom you may have seen if you have watched the movie "Seven Years in Tibet" with Brad Pitt. His Holiness the Dalai Lama asked his teacher personally to play the role of his teacher when he was a young boy in the movie. I will have stories and photos to follow....but it will be a time of quietude and reflection before I board the plane for home next week...to my family who I so desperatly miss...

I leave you with some photos of my time here in Gokulum...

Namaste to you all~and May we Be the Change we wish to see in the world..However Big or Small, it all matters!


CJ said...

Thank you Tracey, for the photos and the inspiring writing.


Tracy said...

my pleasure~