
Saturday, January 19, 2008

around town...

I love taking long walks around Gokulum..today I walked for at least 3 hours as this morning I went around the lake with Sistashree and another new friend named Amanda~
I love some of the homes here..they each tell a story...and sometimes I am even lucky enough to be walking by when the Grandparents are out holding their Grandchildren in their arms watching the world go by as well....

its a nice time to meet new people and stop to chat for a bit...especially when school lets out and the children want to talk about the country you are from. Some things never change! Its nice~

Tomorrow I am going to the Boarding school where some of the other kids are that will be getting shoes!! I hope to get some more nice photos for you all to see~

Its been a nice week here so far in Mysore...although I do have my moments when I miss my family..but the nice part about it all is, I can just pick up a phone and there they are....

Two weeks left, so I plan to make the most of it!


1 comment:

A bird in the hand said...

Wonderful photos! It's such a treat to go on "tour" with you. xoxoxoxo