
Friday, December 14, 2007


well..its been a really successful week with my Yoga Practice..everyday, other than Saturdays and Moon Days off...but today I must practice Yin as my shoulder blades and back are screaming for mercy!!!
But my body has been craving the daily asanas and loving every moment of it~
I will be in Marin ALL DAY Sunday as I have 9 healings that day! One right after the other starting at 9 am!! And I can hardly wait~ I just so love seeing and hearing the results from my clients, so fulfilling~ its worth the long day for me~
Have a wonderful weekend and Namaste to all~


Arturo said...

Hi Tracy
Hope your back and shoulders feel well soon. Unless we're really hurt, we all get our bodies out of wack once in a while, then recover rather quickly. My doctor said during my examination that we yoga practitioners seem to know more about what is going on in our bodies that doctors themselves. I thought that was a nice compliment.

Tracy said...

That is a wonderful statement coming from an MD Arturo!
Thanks for sharing and Be well my friend~