
Monday, December 17, 2007

The arrival of Marley!

today my second grandchild will be born~ his name is Marley and he is just one day beyond his due date! I won't be there for his birth~ but I will see him this week!
Wow...I never thought the day would come when I would be a Grandmother...but I love it SO much and I find myself acting like a little kid when I am with Kaili, my first grand baby! Its so much fun..and its hard not to buy her everything in the toy store!!

Yesterday I had 8 Healings in Marin~ I worked from 9 am till 5 pm and the most miraculous things occurred in that office....this work is Real..It does Work...and I am so blessed to be a facilitator in it all~ each and every client I saw wants to have Three Healings..so I will be back after I get home from India! It was truly a wonderful, Amazing day for us all!



Ursula said...

I'm so convinced that you can heal. You have a lot of positive energy. I'm very happy that you are so succesful.

Tracy said...

oh ursula! its wonderful! its not me healing though...i am just a channel, but i SO wish i could give you a healing~~~you would LOVE it, I know!!
xxoo tracy~

Linda-Sama said...

hey, tracy, I tagged you, if you want to play!

Tracy said...

tagged...???? what is it for sama?
i'm usually game for most anything!