
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

my 7 things....

I have been Tagged by my friend Linda http://lindasyoga.blogspot.com/

The first rule is to post the rules:
• Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
• Share 7 random or weird things about yourself.
• Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs
• Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1~~I was adopted when I was six months old...my birth parents used me as a shield in a Bank Robbery so the police wouldn't shoot them...I was unharmed, and they went to prison and I went to a loving couple who wanted a baby girl...yes I AM very Blessed!

2~~I was on a television game show with my husband TWICE and we did win some pretty substantial cash out of it! Super Market Sweep!

3~~My before mentioned husband used to be the baby sitter for my son...he is only 6 years younger than I am...but he made the first move...were still together 21 years later!!! AND happier than ever too!

4~~I have been visited by angels...FOR REAL...and spirits of friends and family who have died...they always give me important messages..and its the most amazing, wonderful thing in the world!

5~~When I lived in Marin I lived down the street from Sean Penn and his wife Robin...it was cool seeing them all the time...and contrary to the tabloids..Sean is a very down to earth guy who is NOT mean!!

6~~I was voted Class Clown senior year in High School....and then years later my oldest son was also voted Class Clown his senior year~~~~

7~~I think I have OCD....at least that's what my husband and son tell me...but I think I'm just a "neat freak"!!

so..I am supposed to tag seven people..it took me three days to do this..so no pressure...but is you have time and you are one of my regular readers...you know who you are (me too) consider yourself tagged! (ursula,laruga,tracey......hmmm who else reads my blog!!)


Linda-Sama said...

thanks for playing, tracy!

and your #1 blows me away!


hey, grab the code for a "yoga is life" badge...:)

Anonymous said...

the 7 things about yourself are all true stories? Especially #1?

Tracy said...

Hi Rieko!!
YES! All true...and I know it seems unreal...but #1 is true as well...I am a very blesssed person, as you can see!
xxoo Tracy

A bird in the hand said...

Love you sweetpea!
You came through so much, and what it did was make your heart big and compassionate. So often, it goes the other way...

Also, I've always liked Sean Penn. He's a very gifted actor, and he always seemed decent in the rare interviews I've seen him in.


Tracy said...

thank you so much colette~!~
you know what????? I need your seven things!!!!
i love you much!

A bird in the hand said...

So...I just did the 7 things. I didn't think I could come up with anything, but I did.


Hellotmf said...

you tagged me! :-) I hope you have a very great Christmas and a Happy New Year!