
Sunday, December 9, 2007

I just finished reading "The Only Way Out Is In" by Anthony "Prem" Carlisi

very good book, and he has the best sense of humor too.

Here is an excerpt that I found to be very true and it made me think too....

The Secret behind Asana, if used correctly, is that it shows us how to go beyond the physical. We can transcend it only when we go thoroughly into it. For those of you who are stuck doing asana primarily as an exercise, I'm sorry to say are making an "Ass-ana" out of themselves.

How true is that?!!

Carry on~~


Ursula said...

This book I need, too. Hahaha.

Tracy said...

you must get it!! very good and funny too in parts!
Book Lovers Unite!
xxoo tracy

A bird in the hand said...

That's funny!
And so true.

Tracy said...

isn't it?! I used to think that way..sometimes still have to stop myself, but the more I practice, the more it becomes and just IS a spiritual practice..with added benefits~!~
xxooxxoo tracy