the Gift
I have this client...she is the most spectacular woman...but she is just now realizing it..and she is in her 60's. I feel sad about, not that she is a spectacular person,and human being...but that she never thought this about herself. I have known her for only one month, and in that one month she has begun to blossom and grow and SHINE! I could never imagine the feeling..or lack thereof..of not ever feeling JOY.Just stop for a moment,,and imagine that. Not ever, in your whole Life..feeling no Joy. But this is how she has lived all of her life...that is up until now!She told me after her third healing session, that she wakes up in the morning now...and has the feeling of Joy inside of her chest! It made us both cry....she said she feels engulfed in a feeling of Love and Gratitude and god...what greater gift could someone be given that that feeling?!!My whole world feels complete, just hearing those words come from her mouth~It s a wonderful feeling to be a part of that gift~especially at this time of year!OM SHANTI OM
OH, that's wonderful.Ursula
it really is so wonderful!!
thanks ursula~
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