
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Like a Flower...

something absolutely Exquisite and Profound happened today...
everyday is a Magical Mystery...as I am finding out the older I get...but this work..it IS Extraordinarily Wonderful! I just have to say~ and to be a part of it all is just too Beautiful to imagine!
I have this client..or patient...however you would wish to say it, and she came to me with a referral from her MD who also practices Homeopathy~with two offices..one in LA and one in Santa Cruz,
she was extremely ill, she almost left this life in July in fact...
she arrived at my office three weeks ago....looking and acting very, very ill...her eyes were so dark and lifeless...
I gave her the first healing that day...
she called me and wanted to come back...she felt a "flicker" of something...and felt somehow "different" after our first meeting...
the second time she came to my office..she was so withdrawn and inward somehow..I felt her pain..in my hands...I even almost began to cry at one point..it was dramatic to say the least..
today was our third meeting..
Eric always says "Something Special seems to occur during the third healing"
For the love of God....
It was like a Light Bulb EXPLODED within this precious soul~
She had a life to her that I had NEVER, EVER seen before...
some pretty amazing stuff happened today when she was in my office, on my table...
too powerful to imagine and when she left~she told me that she wakes up in the morning now with a feeling of JOY inside of her chest~she had never felt that her whole life she said~
" I feel like a flower bud that is slowly blooming..and I can feel each and every petal as it unfolds"...as tears streamed down her lovely face..and I thought to myself.."How could I have been chosen to do this work that makes people feel so Alive and Real and Whole...How"?
I am so utterly humbled and Blessed~


A bird in the hand said...

You ARE blessed. You are the perfect conduit for the healing energy because your heart is so loving. xoxoxoxo

Tracy said...

much love to you~~~
wish we were closer~

CJ said...

That really is an amazing thing to do

cj x

Tracy said...

thank you so much cj...it is indeed!
namaste friend~
tracy xo