
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Love without End

It seems as though I was lead to this book...not unlike I have been lead to many other wonderful things and situations in my life..but let me explain.

A while back I was reading my friend Larugas blog..and she wrote something from this book in her blog..and it just touched me so deeply (as her writing always does) but at the end she wrote the authors name...Glenda Green....and that is what really struck me. Because it just so happens that about 28 years ago I was working in a health spa for women, teaching Aerobics! The owner of the spa was a wonderful, brilliant man named Neil Davis....beautiful daughters, and the best boss I have ever had in my life! On Christmas Day each and every year, Neil would make it his tradition to personally drive to each of his employees homes to deliver them their Christmas Gift that he bought for each of us. He arrived at my front door on Christmas..all those years ago, and he gave me a very large framed print of a painting done by the artist Glenda Green...it was a woman's lower half of her legs running down a stairway with a green skirt and the title was "Glenda Green, Flight of Spring"

I will never forget how much I loved that and I hung it immediately in my bedroom!

On the 16th of December I was in Marin at my friends office doing 8 healings..one right after the other...and in her office was a book shelf....at one point during one of the healings, my eyes were drawn to the bookshelf and what I saw was the book...."Love without End" by Glenda Green...

I couldn't believe my eyes.....

so when I got home I knew I had to order the book...I knew it was a sign and I am one to listen to the signs I am given! They always lead me in the direction that I am supposed to go and never am I steered in the wrong direction~
So I now have this lovely book...and I am savoring each and every line in it...and I got to page 21 Chapter 3..and it seems as though it was written for me....that I was guided to this book, to read this page and those words...Amazing!! It just blew my mind...it is where I am right at this moment in my life...where I was guided to be and this work that I now do..it all just happened so smoothly and beautifully and I am so grateful and feel so blessed that it is so humbling and beyond words.
Thank You Laruga..you played a role in this as well..without us even knowing it!
Om Shanti~


peaceloveyoga said...

WOW!! What a incredible story about the book. I have just about finished it and it has significantly changed my life and how I view the world. I am floored by the synchronicity you have experienced. Wow!!! What an exciting time for you! I have savored so many passages as well...please let me know how things develop. Much Love and Happiness...xoxoxox

Tracy said...

thank you my friend...thank you so very much~
my love to you always~

A bird in the hand said...

Wonderful! But you know I'm not surprised. Once you become aware, you follow the signs.
P.S. I love the comment you left me about Patience and dial-up. I hadn't thought of it that way, but you are so right!!
Love, xoxo