
Thursday, December 27, 2007

how many prayers....

I have a client...I don't like the sound of that word when describing this beautiful, radiant spirit..so lets just call her "My Inspiration"
as that is what she has become in the two short weeks I have known her.
When my phone rang and she asked to make an appointment with me...she told me that she had cancer 5 years ago...that they had to cut most of the right side of her face away to get it all..including into her neck. She had a clean bill of health for awhile..so her and her husband had a beautiful Pixie of a little girl and she is now 2...I hear her upstairs crying for her Mother while I am downstairs in her healing room...giving her a healing session....the reason she wanted to see me is that she went to her doctors last month and they found a tumor on her brain..and they can't touch it..they said it's Terminal, and she is taking heavy pain medication as she is in pain.
But "My Inspiration" has this spark in her eye..I say eye because her right eye is paralyzed as is the right side of her face from all the cutting they had to do to her. But there is something there..and when I first met her I cried when she sat with me and told me her story. I told her I was so sorry for crying, she was the strong one...She IS strong. After I left her during our first session I drove away from her estate feeling so sad...I kept thinking of all the times I complain about the most minor things, a pimple, tight jeans,my hair...and then I meet this incredible woman with a husband and a 2 year old who has been given a death sentence..yet she is staying so positive and so strong.
The second time I met with her..I didn't feel sadness...in fact I felt incredible Hope and I sensed that I was not alone during our second healing....I had help with me (as I always do)....I drove away from her estate the second time and I felt a huge feeling of Peace dwelling inside of me...something told me "Everything will be OK"...
today was our third session...and while I was working with her I felt my hands being guided and there was this energy that was SO incredible around her head and chest that it brought tears to my eyes...and you know, she said she had not ever felt anything during our sessions before..but today..Today was different she said...she told me she felt Heat around her head....and she said that she felt a feeling of JOY and Peace in her heart...It made me so happy and she was so happy...it was a moment I will never forget.
She will go to the doctors again on January 11th..the day after I leave for India. They will see if the tumor has grown...or if by chance of some Miracle upon Miracles..it is gone.
Miracles do happen..they happen everyday...and I am praying for this one Miracle...I am praying a lot...


Rebirth2017 said...

Wow! I know what you mean about some of the things we worry about that in comparison seem so insignificant. I try so hard to just live in gratitude for being here, whatever way it looks. Sounds like this beautiful woman is doing just that.

CJ said...

You do an amazing job.

cj x

Tracy said...

she is indeed doing just that..I admire her strength and courage and above all her Spirit!
CJ~ you are so sweet~but really it's not me doing the job..I am just being the "channel" the "Straw". It comes from a much Much greater source~~if you know what I mean ;0)
Namaste friends~

A bird in the hand said...

You are a shining light.