Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Some Thanks to some of you who Blog....
You four have been so amazingly inspiring to me in my Yoga practice. Your guidance, advice, examples and just who you are as people have lifted me so high!
Laruga~your Blog posts from India and now from Ohio on Life and your daily practice inspire me to do the best I can each and every morning...your emails too..all printed and in my journal for reference. You are truly one who took the step and became an ever better person in doing so, You learned so much about yourself and trusting..and in doing that you taught me so many lessons on those things as well.Things I shall keep with me always~
Krista~what can I say...You are a Bright Shining Spirit who never stops giving~ I hope one day I can meet you and just be in your essence! You are an example of what I wish I would have been and done at your age...and in that you have inspired me to take the fear and face it head on and GO FOR IT!!! The Yoga will keep me safe always, and you being in my life will as well!
I simply adore you for who you are and I can't imagine anyone being more true as a friend than you!
Lisa~What can I say...You are so supportive and kind and compassionate and true to yourself and what you feel and believe in...if we could all just take a little of that and act on it...what a difference it would make! I have adored you since the first day I read your blog when you were in India. I thought..this girl "has it". And you do... you have SO much that you don't even realize...and you touch so many people in the process. I Thank You my friend! You are without words...truly a gift to all~
Ursula~ I can only say that each and everyday I save the "best for last" I read your blog last...because I hang on your every word...checking in each and everyday to see how your Meditation and Yoga practice went for the day....its like a part of my morning routine...I would be lost without it! You have become my dear friend in Germany..and my day would not be complete without knowing how your morning, afternoon and evening went! I mean that you know!
I think the world of you all....and then some...but not so many..Its sad, but true. You have to use your time wisely and I do....I see my friends from a far daily and they make me a better human being in doing so!
Monday, October 29, 2007
my bad...

Sunday, October 28, 2007
coconut anyone??
i can hardly wait to be here and having one of these in the morning!!!!
soon...very soon!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
My home away from home in Mysore~~~~
This will be my home for 10 days upon arrival in Mysore!!
I am SO very blessed to be able to be staying at Ganesh and Anus in their upstairs room~complete with maid service and laundry! Plus Anu's food is Divine! Its a wonderful feeling for me knowing that I will be looked after so graciously, especially since I will be there during such a busy time~
Ganesh and Anu are always so good to me and my husband! Thank You again Ganesh!
If you click on the "room for rent" you can see the room I will have~
and Thank You Krista for helping as always and especially for creating the beautiful web page for Ganesh and Anu~~~You ROCK my friend!!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
since were on the subject of India....

There is this Thrift Shop in was voted "Best Thrift Shop in Nevada County"..and I DO agree with that!
I am pretty choosy when I go there..I don't really collect "things"..I walk out of there most of the time with a book maybe..or nothing at all...
but today..Today was different~
I had NO idea that the bag was worth so much more than the measly 3.00 I paid for it, I bought it because, well...I am a girl and I LOVE bags..but it reminded me of India with the jeweled Peacocks on the front and it was so well made and it was made in I knew it was a good vintage piece. Then I did a Google search when I got home. WOW! I will treasure this bag forever~ I fell in love with it the moment I laid eyes on it!
Then I saw the Barbie in the Sari with her Bindi and ring and earrings on..and for 5.00 it was going to be for my granddaughter Kaili who is 9 months old..she still MAY get it one day. But now that I have her home I am in love with her!
I was never really a Barbie doll girl...but this one I saw when I was in India this year and I almost got her there...but didn't. Today I grabbed her!
Oh...I found a great copy of "A House for Mr. Biswas" by V.S. Naipal
did I mention that Indian novels are also one of my weaknesses??
OM Shanti!
OH...You MUST click on the photo of the bag to see the detail! Simply divine!
It's Official...India, here I come!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
what was it....

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
As You Think

Starting Over...
my 25 year old nephew was burned out..and lost everything..including the place he worked at...Gone.
He is coming back up to Nothern California now, to start over.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
Monday, October 22, 2007
Many Thanks Guruji~
Sunday, October 21, 2007
A Complaint Free is doable!

The out!
By Associated Press 7:28 AM PDT, October 21, 2007
NEW DELHI -- Wild monkeys attacked a senior government official who then fell from a balcony at his home and died Sunday, media reported. New Delhi Deputy Mayor S.S. Bajwa was rushed to a hospital after the attack by a gang of Rhesus macaques, but succumbed to head injuries sustained in his fall, the Press Trust of India news agency and The Times of India reported. Many government buildings, temples and residential neighborhoods in New Delhi are overrun by Rhesus macaques, which scare passers-by and occasionally bite or snatch food from unsuspecting visitors. Last year, the Delhi High Court reprimanded city authorities for failing to stop the animals from terrifying residents and asked them to find a permanent solution to the monkey menace. Part of the problem is that devout Hindus believe monkeys are manifestations of the monkey god Hanuman and feed them bananas and peanuts -- encouraging them to frequent public places. Over the years, city authorities have employed monkey catchers who use langurs -- a larger and fiercer kind of monkey -- to scare or catch the macaques, but the problem persists.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007

it is time...

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Email from Mysore...
Dear mama,
I am very happy to hear from you.
Today is holiday and as you know that last night we watched television of the voice of America services in Tibetan for giving US congressional gold medal to his holiness.
We celebrated whole night.
All people in our settlement have prayed in front of our monastery at early in this morning and they celebrated.
Many different bands from many different schools have preformed this morning about 10 o’clock.
Now all my classmates and I have come here in Mysore for enjoying this day.
We really happy and I tried to call on papa’s cell phone last night after the finish ceremony inside the US capitol but it made one or twice rings and then it made disconnected itself.
I really would like saying, congratulation to his holiness.
Anyway, I really wish to talk with you.
Please have celebrate for this day.
Stay healthy and cool.
Your little monk,
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
HH the Dalai Lama accepts Congressional Medal of Honor!

We're excited to announce that several live broadcasts of the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony will be available for public viewing. The International Campaign for Tibet will webcast the day's events, starting at 11am. Click here for more details. Voice of America (VOA) will also have a televised Tibetan language broadcast, airing live at 12:45pm EST (10:15pm New Delhi standard time, 12:45am Lhasa standard time). For frequency and additional broadcasting information, please visit VOA's website.
On October 17, be a part of history by organizing a public screening of the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony on your campus or in your community. This is a great way to raise awareness about Tibet in the lead up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. It also pays tribute to the Dalai Lama's tireless efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the Tibet issue, and his monumental contribution to global peace.
This celebration will also mark the first public meeting between the Dalai Lama and a sitting U.S. President, following a wave of high profile meetings between the Dalai Lama and world leaders. Last month, he was warmly met by German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, despite strong objections from the Chinese government.
Help show the Chinese government the widespread global support for Tibet by joining us at the U.S. Capitol on October 17th. If you are unable to travel to D.C., please share this historic moment with fellow students, co-workers, family and friends by organizing a live screening of the celebration.
Bod Rangzen, Free Tibet!
Lhadon, Tendor, Kate, Kala, Heather and all of us here at SFT HQ
Monday, October 15, 2007
on balance

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Hello Kitty Bowling Style!

Say what you will...but I ADORE Hello Kitty! My husband has been literally "begging" me to go bowl with him...I said "I'll bowl with you if I can get a Hello Kitty Bowling Ball"...and he said "OK"!

Friday, October 12, 2007
Going with the Flow...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Namgyal Monestary, Mcleod Ganj~India
This is behind His Holiness the Dalai Lama's residence...and Monastery/Temple. It is approximately a mile and a half walk around. Everyday we would walk it, twice on most days and spin the Prayer Wheels with the old Tibetan people....
Nice memories~and now we are confirmed for our reservation in late January to return once again!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The Prayer Wheels in Dharamsala
Up close at His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Temple in McCleod Gang..this is absolutely as close to Heaven as you can get....unbelievable...and heart warming just to be there!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Poochie! Anu and Ganesh's dog!
and for those of you who frequent will recognize this little person in his "fur coat"!
He is Ganesh and Anu's little Poochie! Adorable doesn't even begin to describe this guy...
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Mama and Chaku at Gyumed Monestary, 2007
This is our other son, Chaku. This was taken in March on our visit to India where we stayed at his Monestary in Mysore. He is just the gentlest little soul ever....he writes me the sweetest emails and tells me, "You must take relax" its not something you actually "take"..he just tells me to relax because he knows how life in America is so much busier and crazier than life in India!
He worries about his Mama and Papa. We love him so much!
Friday, October 5, 2007
on the way to school...Mysore, India 2007
as we were on our way to breakfast one morning, we passed this rickshaw FILLED with children on the way to school...its just way to cute! I cannot wait to get back there!
A special performance~
Perfromed especially for us that beautiful day in Bangalore....the sweetest boys!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Beautiful Happenings!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Who's Bed is this anyway?
Monday, October 1, 2007
241 East Main Street... continued!

and right as you open the door....

the cute window seat that looks out to the sitting area...

and the rambling creek that goes down the back side of the building...I was told it runs year round!