
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Road to here....

I am leaving Friday for my Level lll seminar in Encinitas! Really looking forward to it...as I have heard a lot about the teacher...Adam. He is supposed to be an excellent instructor. I have no doubts about the weekend...I know I will pass.
I am really super stoked about meeting up with Shanyn, my husbands, cousins, daughter who lives in Oceanside..she is coming to meet me at my hotel on Friday night and wants to go with me to get "inked"! Isn't that going to be cool!! Maybe we can grab some dinner and a drink afterwards...
I just met her on Sunday at the wedding, and we totally connected..her sister too. I always seem to get along so well with the "younger ones"...younger...did I ever think I would say that??
Here I am almost 46 and most all of my friends are in their late 20's or early thirties... I think young, and dress young...so, hmmmm..that makes me "Younger"!!
Ageless..that's what my friends call me. Its a nice compliment, but I have no problem getting older really. In fact I embrace it. It seems the older I get, the more wisdom I gain...the less things seem to bother me (most of the time) and If I were asked if I would ever want to go back and re- live my life..the answer without a doubt would be NO WAY JOSE! I love where I am at almost 46 and love who I have become. Comfortable...yes..comfortable. The road getting here was worth every step and I am just exactly where I am supposed to be at this point in my life. I am Happy!


Linda-Sama said...

listen, honey....50 is the new 40 and I LOVE being in my 50s!

it's just too bad the the wisdom of older women is not acknowledged in this culture...I think I there's a rant about that on my blog!

Tracy said...

I think there is too!!!
And I can't WAIT to be 50! Only 4 more years~!~