
Monday, September 24, 2007

Looking Down from Above...

This weekend was pure Bliss! It was my 46th Birthday~and that was spent with the ones I love most in this world....the most important thing to me is my family!
I had two Healing Sessions booked..and they were both very powerful and VERY successful for the two people that I worked with. I am so grateful to have found this new work..it works and it is so evident when both people "feel" it. Wow...I am amazed every time I experience this Reconnective Healing! I know I shouldn't be surprised when my clients/patients tell me what they felt and the experience...or what happens as a result of a session...but I will remain "Childlike" as Deepak Chopra tells us to do...and be in that state of "expectancy" and then listen to what happened from my client/patient,,,and try not to act TOO childlike...(jumping up and down, and wanting to scream out)!!! Its just too exciting, what can I say??!!
This weekend I have a Reconnection to do...that will consist of two hours in two days.
Did I say I am EXCITED about this??!!!!!



A bird in the hand said...

Happy Happy [belated] Birthday, Miss Perfect Toes!

I wish I could have a healing session with you. Just to boost me. I know how good you are at this sort of thing.

Much love, Colette xoxoxo

Tracy said...

Thank You my dear friend~~
I send you Healing across the ocean and much LOVE!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Tracy,
I'm so glad your business is taking off successfully.
I've worked on my friend who is very intuitive, and it turned out to be a great success, too. She saw very clear visions related to her past and future lives each time. Though I'm starting slowly step by step, I've found a joy doing this, and wanna do this as a job! Your blog tells me to stay positive...so I wanna come back.
Happy birthday!

Tracy said...

Oh Reiko!! I am so happy for you and to see you here on my blog site!!! I had such a good time getting to know you in Encinitas~ You will be so wonderful...and that is the way to go, step by step~ Blessings to you always friend!