
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Reconnection...

If you are even contemplating taking Eric's seminar...DON'T....Just Take It!!

I Promise you..you will not be sorry you did. I don't think I can even put into words what I experienced this past four days while in Nashville, Tennessee...in fact I know I can't.

All I can say is it was the most remarkable four days of my life, and I am forever changed by it...I will never be the person I was before...and I couldn't be even if I tried. There is no going back..only forward and with that I will leave you.

I will tell you one thing more though...if you are even just a little bit curious...buy his book...or visit his website...there are people who will "get it"..and there are people who won't. He has a full schedule and he is in South Africa today..look at his locations and go to one of the Free Talks...all I can tell you is, it will change you forever!
The photo above is Eric reading a translated piece of paper...the girl in the photo is Spanish, she speaks no English and she was given a message while there ....amazing, powerful weekend.

Blessings~ http://www.thereconnection.com/


crankyhausfrau said...

Tracey, can you publish an address for where to send the shoes? i have my kids outgrown shoes, and other clothes if you are interested.


Tracy said...

Hi Tova~
I actually removed my address from my blog...but if you'd like to email me I can send you my address!
Thank You SO much for your offerings!