
Thursday, August 2, 2007

Chinese Uprising Demonstration..Peacefully

this morning the phone rang at 7:30..it was our Monk calling from Mysore, India...Chaku..
"Hello Mama..it is your son, Chaku" his words sang into my ear....
he is leaving for Delhi tomorrow with many other Tibetan Monks on the train....they are going to go there for the Chinese Uprising Demonstration...I told him that I was worried about him...and to please be safe.
Chaku told me..."Mama, I demonstrate Peacefully...not with any Anger" of course..I know this already..but being the concerned Mama...I still worry.
"Mama, I am very anticipating your visit in January" he tells me...I make him laugh by using American phrases...he loves that..and his laugh is so cute.

They have just finished construction on the new Guest House at the Monastery...he told me that he will pick the "best room for Papa and I"....it was still being built while we were there in March.

So..New Digs in January for us...but even better...seeing Chaku again and talking for hours and laughing!



Hellotmf said...

Have you read this yet? You may want to check on your friend... is this where he is?

Tracy said...

hi tracey~
no, Chaku is heading to Delhi...but he said last year in Bagalore there were many arrests..so there very well could be this year. He told me.."Mama, if they arrest me, come and get me out!"