
Friday, August 24, 2007

in the end, there is always a beginning...

that is what Jeff wrote on his last blog entry in Mysore,India before he and Harmony left for the states...their return to reality so to speak...

and that is exactly what I am trying to do as well...

I was so sad to have my weekend end with all of those wonderful Spirits of Good Energy and love in that Ballroom in Nashville...where we all gathered together to learn how to raise the vibration of one another as well as all of those here on Earth...

it was such a "High" for me, that when it ended...I felt such a sadness. It's not often you can come together with so many other individuals who feel as you do or have had experiences in their lives that mirror yours...

things that occur from the time you are a young child that you never told anyone about...but remember like it was just yesterday and Finally you tell...and they know exactly what you felt or saw...because they had a similar experience as well...

It was a weekend filled with messages...feelings....rememberences...new insights...thoughts....and visitations from somewhere beyond this realm. It was three days that I will cherish always...

it is all inside and won't ever leave, and now I begin my new journey on my path..the path that has clearly led me to where I am at this very moment in time...and it is not the end...only the beginning~


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