Friday, August 31, 2007
Copy Cat Me....(just a little)....Thanks Julie!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
If You Truly Care about your Children and Future..Take a Moment
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
7 Pairs of Shoes have just been delivered!!

Monday, August 27, 2007
Gaylord Opryland Resort

Friday, August 24, 2007
in the end, there is always a beginning...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Another Reconnection!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Reconnection...
I Promise you..you will not be sorry you did. I don't think I can even put into words what I experienced this past four days while in Nashville, Tennessee...in fact I know I can't.
All I can say is it was the most remarkable four days of my life, and I am forever changed by it...I will never be the person I was before...and I couldn't be even if I tried. There is no going back..only forward and with that I will leave you.

I will tell you one thing more though...if you are even just a little bit curious...buy his book...or visit his website...there are people who will "get it"..and there are people who won't. He has a full schedule and he is in South Africa today..look at his locations and go to one of the Free Talks...all I can tell you is, it will change you forever!
The photo above is Eric reading a translated piece of paper...the girl in the photo is Spanish, she speaks no English and she was given a message while there ....amazing, powerful weekend.
Blessings~ http://www.thereconnection.com/
Ursulas Shoes are here!!!

It is from Ursula in Germany!!! She sent me 6 pairs of shoes for the children of Mysore, India....

and I must say..they are precious~and I am SO grateful to you Ursula for taking the time and the effort..and the money and going out and buying 6 pairs of shoes for us to give to the children.
Many heartfelt thanks to you my friend....and until we meet one day..here is a {{{HUG}}} for you!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The cool "carry on" arrived on time!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The Rule of The Universe...

Monday, August 13, 2007
Putting all my Ducks in a row..

Sunday, August 12, 2007
Some of the children who will be getting the Shoes!

Friday, August 10, 2007
and another..Brimming over with Love and Shoes!

just wanted to let you know that the owner of the yoga studio where I teach (http://www.pranayogacenter.com/) wants me to keep the collection box in the studio until September 8. That day is the studio's 4 year anniversary -- a kirtan and a "round robin" class with all the instructors teaching -- and she told me today that she wants the people who are going to attend to bring a pair of kids shoes to donate. she is putting this in a newsletter to send to the Prana yoga community.
I hope all these shoes are not going to be too much for you! I had a feeling this would happen so I hope this is not overwhelming for you. You'll probably just want to ship the shoes to Mysore. You might end up with over 50 pairs! well.....a drop in the bucket for the number of street kids in India.....
anyway, I will ship everything to you...and I will need your address again!
p.s. my buddhist name is Sama which means "harmony"
A Happy Blog to Read...filled with Love!

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Daisaku Ikeda's Gift from Japan
This afternoon I booked my flight and hotel to Encinitas for my "Reconnection Level lll" with Adam...I am going for it! I am filled with excitement and the wonder of what lies ahead for me..nothing but Goodness and Light!
I received a package in the mail today from SGI in Santa Monica..it was a gift from Daisaku Ikeda in Japan..a VERY Special gift...as you know I am Buddhist..and I chant each day..it is a very special gift for me..and it has been wonderful.
Daisaku Ikeda is the President of the SGI and this is what he sent to me today...
It was a beautiful wooden box with lovely scalloped edges and inside was an envelope with two notes inside and two strands of Sandalwood Beads used for chanting, a pair for my husband and a pair for me.

what a very special gift...
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
"Waynes" Shoes Just Arrived!!
it was from Wayne...from Ashtangi.net..our fellow Blogger and Yogi and new friend~
Thank You SO much Wayne..they are wonderful..they will be loved that I know for sure~
Please scroll all the way don to the bottom post and see how many shoes I have collected so far!! I am SO excited!
A "Hello Kitty" Punishment in Thailand...

wow..this is a "punishment"?? I almost wish I were there so I could do the crime, just to get the "Hot Pink Armband"!! Did I ever tell you how much I adore Hello Kitty???
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -- Thai policemen who break rules will be forced to wear hot pink armbands featuring "Hello Kitty," the Japanese icon of cute, as a mark of shame, a senior officer said Monday.
Hello Kitty is not something "macho police officers want covering their biceps," a Thai police chief says.
Police officers caught littering, parking in a prohibited area, or arriving late -- among other misdemeanors -- will be forced to stay in the division office and wear the armband all day, said Police Col. Pongpat Chayaphan. The officers won't wear the armband in public.
The striking armband features Hello Kitty sitting atop two hearts.
"Simple warnings no longer work. This new twist is expected to make them feel guilt and shame and prevent them from repeating the offense, no matter how minor," said Pongpat, acting chief of the Crime Suppression Division in Bangkok.
"(Hello) Kitty is a cute icon for young girls. It's not something macho police officers want covering their biceps," Pongpat said.
He said police caught breaking the law will be subject the same fines and penalties as any other members of the public.
"We want to make sure that we do not condone small offenses," Pongpat said, adding that the CSD believed that getting tough on petty misdemeanors would lead to fewer cases of more serious offenses including abuse of power and mistreatment of the public by police officers.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

is my newest read for the month of August. I am reading this as well as "The Life of Pi"..of course such a well known classic by Yann Martel. I have time...lot's of time...I get much done during my days..but my days allow me to do the things I love and enjoy...yes..I am Blessed.
I had a most blissful hour of Yin Yoga this afternoon as well..how much do I love Yin??? I think we all know the answer to that question now don't we! My body feels balanced and strong..alternating my activities in this way have kept me injury free and I am ever so grateful for that!
I am setting up an appointment with my husbands cousin while I am in Nashville for my Reconnection Seminar that will be for the weekend. But I want to go "all the way" with this. I feel it in the core of my being...and so I need to get my "Reconnection" session which consists of two sessions in order to progress on to Level 3 which will be in Encinitas in September..unless I decide to fly to Arizona instead...still deciding..I have time to decide...no worries there.
This weather has been so beautiful lately...no more heat..nice cool breeze's and heavenly nights. I love days like these...
My friend Krista is heading to India in 2 days..Safe Travels my friend..
Om Shanti!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Strong Body, Weak Mind

it won't be a 24 Hour run like my hero Dean completed in June...the longest run I ever ran on my Treadmill was 12 miles...I don't know how he did it...Stamina and of course my favourite quote..
"Strong Body,Weak Mind" keeps us runners going long and strong..
that and a good Pasta dinner the night before...ahhh haaa..that does the trick!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Colettes Shoes Are Here!!! The Count is Going UP!!

One of my dearest friends from Canada sent me some money to buy some shoes for the Children in Mysore....I just got home and this is what I bought~
I hope you approve Colette..Ray and I were in the store for about 45 minutes trying to pick the best ones...I think they will serve a couple of young men well!
Thank You again Colette! I will update my Shoe Count at the bottom of the page now!
OM Shanti~
Friday, August 3, 2007
Little Pieces of Grace...

Thursday, August 2, 2007
Chinese Uprising Demonstration..Peacefully

"Hello Mama..it is your son, Chaku" his words sang into my ear....
he is leaving for Delhi tomorrow with many other Tibetan Monks on the train....they are going to go there for the Chinese Uprising Demonstration...I told him that I was worried about him...and to please be safe.
Chaku told me..."Mama, I demonstrate Peacefully...not with any Anger" of course..I know this already..but being the concerned Mama...I still worry.
"Mama, I am very anticipating your visit in January" he tells me...I make him laugh by using American phrases...he loves that..and his laugh is so cute.
They have just finished construction on the new Guest House at the Monastery...he told me that he will pick the "best room for Papa and I"....it was still being built while we were there in March.
So..New Digs in January for us...but even better...seeing Chaku again and talking for hours and laughing!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Something to hold on to...

it can help ground you...and realize that there is MORE....than just that stuff....
gosh, it is astounding...am I really that sensitive to other peoples actions?
I didn't think so..but when it's someone you know and care about..it can be a whole different ballgame...
I'm worried..because I do care so much..it has been so many years between then and now..but in all that time...i have changed..for the better, from where my head and my heart used to be...
Ganesha, Lakshmi, Hanuman,Durga,Saraswathi,Shiva...Buddha,God..all of the energies of the universe..watch over her for me...
OM Shanti
Thank You Wayne! Thank You SOO Much...shoes are coming to add to my collection!
That will make..16 pairs..not counting Ursulas! Yeah!! SO Happy!
Hi Tracy,I just sent you a pair of men's size 6 1/2 athletic shoes with velcro straps (not an easy combination to find!) via UPS. They said it would take 5 - 7 days to get there so you should be seeing them early to mid next week. Thanks again for coming up with this wonderful project!Many blessings to you and your family.
OM Shanti!