
Sunday, November 16, 2008


I was thinking about what to blog about this morning...and then I decided I would not blog about anything, as nothing was important this morning...
before I logged off I checked my email, and there was an email from my sweet, wise friend in Canada..she sent me a link to one of the most important videos I have seen in a Very, Very long time...it's by Andrew Zuckerman, and if you will take a moment to watch it I am sure you will see one or two familiar faces..along with some very wise commentary that we could all take note of.
Enjoy~ and Thank You dearest Colette~



Arturo said...

Hi Tracy
That's inspiring, thanks.

A bird in the hand said...

Sometimes you bring tears to my eyes because you understand what I'm about deep down.
All my love. xoxo

Ursula said...

I just saw the picture of Anu and Ganesh on your side. It's a nice picture, but so they are, very friendly open-minded people with a great apprehension for all the Westerners and their issues.

India, India, it is so amazing.



Tracy said...

i am so glad you enjoyed it arturo!

colette...soul friends such as us just understand each other, where no words need be spoken. you make my life so much richer by being my friend, and i mean that whole heartedly.i love and adore you so!

ursula, yes, anu and ganesh..a couple of the greatest in all of india! love them!!!!