
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Epsom Salts...yuk!

so in all honesty I did try....I really, really tried...but I failed, somewhat.
I bought the book "The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse" by Andreas Moritz
and after speaking with some friends who successfully completed the cleanse with amazing results I was excited!! So for 5 days I drank the 4 glasses of Apple Juice...lots of water...no alcohol, dairy, meat (which I don't eat anyway) caffeine, or sugar. I ate the Kitchari diet for all of my meals as well.
I was doing Great!! I even lost some weight...I practiced yoga everyday and wow, I must say, I have not felt so clear in years. I had a colonic on Friday as well..just to get myself ready for the most dreaded part of the cleanse..when you have to drink Epsom salts and then olive oil mixed with grapefruit juice....that is what helps release the gallstones. I was SO ready to do this, and then the day came...today actually. I can't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, I really wanted to do it, but I just can't do it..I have the Epsom salts sitting on the counter looking me straight in the eye, and I can't bring myself to open that little box.
So, as my husband sits in Oakland at the Raiders Game, and my son is running at the track, and I sit here typing this, every so often looking over at the little box of Epsom salts..I can say with all sincerity that I do feel really good despite the fact that I can't do the most dreaded part. I mean, I ate the diet below for 5 days and even had it for lunch today...it is delicious I might add and it feels very healing to eat as well. I drank more apple juice in 5 days that I have since I was a little kid and that was quite delightful as well.... the colonic, well, it was uncomfortable..but the results!! Well, let me just leave it at that for the time being.
So I will refuse to berate myself at this point and just say that it was a different sort of cleanse than I had anticipated..and maybe one day if my MD says that I have a whole slew of gallstones that need to be removed..I will just smile and tell my MD that I know just the way to do that and I WILL DRINK THE EPSOM SALTS!!!! I promise you that~~~
Om Shanti (and if you would like to try the Kitchari Diet..it is below!)

Cleansing Kitchari
This Indian comfort food provides strength and energy while you're fasting.
By Alison Rose Levy
In America, downing a hearty grain dish would not be called fasting. But in India kitchari—a soupy porridge made from rice and mung beans, lightly spiced with ginger, cilantro, and other spices—is considered a fasting food and is used to purify digestion and cleanse systemic toxins.
Ayurvedic physicians often prescribe a kitchari diet before, during, and after panchakarma, a rejuvenative treatment that cleanses toxins stored in bodily tissues as it restores systemic balance. Kitchari provides solid nourishment while allowing the body to devote energy to healing. You can safely subsist on kitchari anytime in order to build vitality and strength as it helps balance all three doshas. For restless vata, the warm soup is grounding; for fiery pitta, its spices are calming; and for chilly kapha, it provides healing warmth.
Ayurveda believes that all healing begins with the digestive tract, and kitchari can give it a much-needed rest from constantly processing different foods while providing essential nutrients. The blend of rice and split mung beans offers an array of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Its mixture of spices is believed to kindle the digestive fire, the Ayurvedic description for your innate digestive power, which can be weakened by poor food combinations.
Kitchari tastes like a cross between a creamy rice cereal and a light dal, or lentil soup. If it is a cold, blustery day or you are feeling under the weather, a steaming bowl of this classic Indian comfort food can both warm up your bones and restore sagging energy. Everyone has his or her own special method of making kitchari. Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing (The Ayurvedic Press, 1997), by Usha Lad and Vasant Lad, offers a half-dozen kitchari recipes, including this one that was adapted for Yoga Journal:
First, rinse one cup of split yellow mung beans and soak for several hours. Set aside. In a blender, liquefy one tablespoon of peeled, chopped ginger; two tablespoons of shredded coconut; and a handful of chopped cilantro with one-half cup of water. In a large saucepan, lightly brown one-half teaspoon cinnamon; one-quarter teaspoon each of cardamom, pepper, clove powder, turmeric, salt; and three bay leaves (remove before serving) in three tablespoons of ghee, or butter.
Drain the mung dal and then stir it into the spice mixture in the saucepan. Next, add one cup of raw basmati rice. Stir in the blended spice and coconut mixture, followed by six cups of water. Bring to a boil, cover, and cook on low heat for approximately 25 to 30 minutes until soft.


peaceloveyoga said...

Hahah...I tried the master cleanse once and drinking the 'lemonade' was the easy part, but when it came to drinking the salt water I couldn't do it either!! I was gagging all over the place...

Kali Om said...


In the meantime, use the Epson salt in the bath (with a nice oil for fragrance). You deserve it!

Thank you for the recipe.


A bird in the hand said...

I feel for you! I couldn't drink that mixture either -- the very thought of it is gag-making. I did a cleanse once where I had to drink gallons of something (very diluted cleansing powder, maybe it was Epsom) and I had to hold my nose to get it down. I never want to do it again.

The rest sounds good though. xoxo

Tracy said...

lg..oh yes..that lemonade drink. I remember it well!!
ck~ thanks for the tip!! i shall try that~
c~yes, the rest is really quite good..in fact i am still eating it because i love it so much!!