
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

well...since you asked~~~~~

I was chosen for a reading...

Carol Ritberger took the stage at 6:30pm as we were just walking in...

There were about 200 people in attendance

she spoke of her near death experience..which was actually a "death" and they were able to bring her back. When she came back she was given the gift to be able to "see" people Auras as well as physical ailments within a persons body..sounds crazy right?? I thought so too...until I listened to it first hand and had to basically push my chin back up and close my mouth because I was SO utterly amazed by the things she was telling these people and they were in fact validating them all.....

She decided who she would "read" by telling us to look at our numbers on our ticket stubs and if we wanted to come up onstage for one..to put it out there and she would intuitively "pick it up"...

you know that old saying "Be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it"??

I Got It! I was thinking in my mind ..9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9...(ok, you get the picture) that was my number...

she called it on the 3rd try....

I shakily got up out of my seat and made my way onto the stage..it's been years since I have been on a stage I might add...let alone with a mic in my hand....

She smiled real big at me and asked me my name, then she complimented me on my attire...

I told her I was nervous but happy to be there...and I told her that I was a bit concerned about a re-curring sharp pain in my head...that I had been to the doctors and even to the hospital for an MRI..which all came out negative, no sign of anything..but I was still scared...

She said to me immediately...".I see what it is...it is your jaw, you lock your jaw a lot don't you"....yes I told her I do...she said that I used to use a night guard from the orthodontist and that I need to use one again...(how did she know that??) it was all so true..she really wanted me to know that I am an extremely healthy person.."Very Healthy" she said...

then she stopped and bluntly told me that my aura was Screaming at her.....

"there is something that you need to say to someone" "and there is a lot of disappointment surrounding this"...ummmmm, yeah....there IS and yeah...there IS!! I was shocked that she saw that!! Just on my way over there I was telling my husband about the situation...and that I have to tell this person this and I was SO disappointed in this person....

Um, OK.....then she told me that my right knee is bothering me....yep, right again! She said I practice a lot of yoga..and that I am holding some of the poses too long and they are bothering this knee....

well, I practice Yin Yoga once or twice a week on top of my Ashtanga practice..and yes there are a few asanas that have been bothering this knee of mine....

she told me that after I tell this person what needs to be said..that I need not feel disappointed in myself..I will try to remember that point after I call this person...which I will do later this evening.

It was a night to remember, and it just validates the fact that some people who walk this earth do so with a very special gift..and when we meet these special individuals, we are blessed in a way that goes beyond what words can say.



peaceloveyoga said...

Cool story! Love the outfit by the way...you look great!!!!

Side note...I reserved a flight for Inida!! Looks like I will see you there!!!!!

Tracy said...

YIPEEEEEEE!!!! I Will get to spend some time with you after all!

Wayne said...

Wow - powerful. And yes, you are looking lovely! ;->

A bird in the hand said...

I did ask (in my mind) and came to see what had happened!

Medical intuitives fascinate me. This one was obviously spot on.

You look lovely... xoxoxo

Tracy said...

thank you wayne! and yes, it was powerful!!!

colette~ thank you as well~~and this was my first experience with a medical intuitive, and i must say, it was quite an eye opener!
she was so very intelligent...like a doctor!

Anonymous said...

The holding tension in the jaw is what was making my migraine problem worse. I didn't believe it when I was told and couldnt work out how to relax the jaw. Then one night after the Friday counted Primary our teacher lead us thru Savasana and she came out with the phrase "Have no thoughts in the jaw" and suddenly I felt the tension release that I didn't realise was even there.

Tracy said...

thank you kevin...that is a good line to remember..

The Massey Family said...

That is an amazing story! And I LOVE your outfit!

Tracy said...

meagan!!! thank you! and I am emailing you in a moment..thanks for such an informative info on hong kong too!!!! oh, we WILL be in Mysore at the same time by the way!!!!

Ursula said...

Oh,I missed something. You look gorgeous. :)
(I know this already, but the picture really shows it.)

Tracy said...

I Missed You U!! Thank You for the compliment~ hope you are well?!