
Sunday, November 23, 2008

some cards for the kids of Karunya Mane...

Here are two of the cards that were made by the children at the school in Colorado who so thoughtlfully wanted to be a part of "The Colors of Love" charity this year...I can't even begin to tell you how these warm my heart..and another HUGE Thank You to Kristi (Yogamum) and her thoughtfullness in suggesting that they make these. When my husband and I deliver the Art Supplies to the kids in Mysore, Operation Shanti has told us that we will be able to assist the children at Karunya Mane in helping them make cards for the children in Colorado in return!! I am really looking forward to that~
The cards are so beautiful ....



Wayne said...

Those are beautiful - especially coming straight from the heart of children.

Tracy said...

I agree Wayne..they are just precious~

A bird in the hand said...

Trust the children... they know how to give without thinking twice about it. xoxoxo

Tracy said...

boy isn't that the truth colette! thanks for reminding me though~~