Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Another Donation this morning!!!
Total amount:
$50.00 USD
U.S. Dollars
Confirmation number:
"The Colors of Love" 2009 art supplies for Karunya Mane Kids, Mysore, India
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008
there are so many...
Today, I held my first English class in my host family's maid, Krupa’s, slum. The children living in the slum have recently starting learning English in school, but can't afford the fee for the outside tuition required to excel or even pass in the subject. If they don't learning English, they won't be able to continue later on in school. My classroom is Krupa's tiny hut and since I teach at night we have to work by torch or flashlight. For my first class, there were almost a dozen students (the maximum capacity of the hut) ranging from grades 3-7, and also some young children, mothers, and grandmothers interested in learning some English. This weekend I'm going to buy some supplies to give to the students and to furnish the classroom. The English spoken in the slum is extremely limited, so I will need to rely mostly on pictures to teach the children new words. It takes almost an hour for Krupa and me to take an auto from my house to her hut after she finishes her work, and the plan is for me to teach for a few hours and then return home. I'm hoping that I will have time to go and teach at least 3 times a week for the rest of my stay in India. It is impossible to describe how much this simple act means to Krupa, a widow, her children, and the other children in the slum. It would be extremely difficult for these children to overcome the obstacles presented to them and better their lives without becoming educated and learning English. There is no safety net in India and no one is going to hold an impoverished widow and her children's hands. Before my host mother met Krupa, Krupa was being cheated on and abused despite the fact that she was the sole earner in the household, carrying at least 50 huge vases of water (for 1 to 2 rupees) each a day. At that time, the children who I am working with now were surviving on a meal a day of rice with dirt and rocks that wouldn't even be passable for a dog. For this family, their leaking hut alone is a miracle.
the beauty of my friends~

Let's hope it will send some people your way.
My friend Tracy is conducting a charity drive for the children of Mysore, India. She will be delivering supplies to the children there early next year. I ask for your help with this, below is all the information. You may mail everything to me and I will make sure she receives all of it.
Thanks a million,
"The Colors of Love" the 2009 charity for the kids of Karunya Mane in Mysore, India
Next year I am heading back to India and I have started a new charity for the kids of Karunya Mane in Mysore, India!!
I am collecting Art Supplies for them this time~ anything you can send me would be More than Wonderful! But here is what they need....
Colored Chalk
Glue, Tape
Origami Paper
Coloring Books
Colored Pencils
small manual Pencil Sharpeners
Last years charity, "Walking in Their Shoes" was such a HUGE success and it brought those kids SO much Joy..Lets do it again!!! I will keep my blog updated with photos and information as I get closer to leaving as well as when I receive Art Supplies~ Thank You so much for caring and making such a Huge difference in the children's lives!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
more support for "The Colors of Love" 2009 Karunya Mane Charity!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
my first Art Supplies for "The Colors of Love" 2009 Karunya Mane kids!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
a Nice Surprise today from my dear friend~
$20.00 USD
Transaction ID:
You've got a payment
Dear Tracy, please use this money for art supplies for the children. Thank you. Much love, Colette xoxo
This was such a surprise for me today~but I really shouldn't be surprised. Because my friend Colette in Canada has been a HUGE supporter to me and Both of my Charities for the kids in Mysore. Last year she graciously sent me money for shoes when I had "Walking in Their Shoes" the 2008 charity for the Karunya Mane kids...this year is no different. She is always by my side and she backs me...always has. I love her so much because of her beauty that radiates from deep within her and literally touches everyone who knows her..and those whom she meets. Some people have that, they are born that way..maybe we all have that, but you just can't see it as clearly. It comes naturally with her though..and I am a better person because of her, because of what I have learned from her..all these years. I am blessed to call her my friend~
Thank You so much Colette~ the kids thank you too!
20 years ago today.....
he cried during the whole ceremony and I laughed~
and with each year our love grows stronger and neither one of us can believe it has been 20 years already!! It's been a great ride and if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't have done it any other way...or with anyone else. He makes me laugh, daily. He makes me smile when he walks into a room...and you know that little excited feeling you get when you see someone that you adore and love so much..I still get that everytime he comes through the door at the end of the day..it MUST be Love~
Happy Anniversary Ray~Lets add 20 more!
I love you~
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Operation Shanti
Please visit Operation Shanti blog today!
and scroll on down to the Art Class post!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
ahhhh...the life of the party! always!

The life of the party
This is a very lighthearted time, when you should be able to relax and enjoy yourself with friends and loved ones. You will enjoy being with groups of people, and you will wish to express your feelings of affection. Your favor will extend even to the point that you want to share it with everyone. This is also a good time to go out and meet people. You will not have the fear and shyness that may sometimes make it difficult for you to encounter new people, nor will you need to worry about making a bad impression on the people you meet. This influence helps to ensure you will make a favorable impression upon everyone. If you usually enjoy being the life of the party, you will certainly have the chance to play this role now.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Update on "The Colors of Love" 2009 Mysore, India charity!!!!

yesterday i received an email from one of my readers/friends here in the Ashtanga World~~~actually she is a friend and reader and fellow blogger of many of us here~
an amazing soul who has stepped forward to help out with my charity for 2009 "The Colors of Love" benefiting the children of Karunya Mane in Mysore ,India. Many of the yogis who travel to Mysore to practice with Guruji have "caught on" and have been donating their time with Operation Shanti and the kids and moms at Karunya Mane..and it makes my eyes "glisten" with tears every time I get an update from Operation Shanti along with photos (click on link) of some of the kids doing art ! http://picasaweb.google.com/tracyk223/Art# and click on the photos to view them in full size! They are beautiful!!
Talk about tears...you should have seen me yesterday after getting Yogamums aka Kristis email! Thank You again Kristi, from the very bottom of my heart dear friend~
Hi Tracy,
The principal at my kids' school said that I could do a "drive" for the art supplies at school -- yay! This is the perfect type of project for our school -- we are an IB "World" school and try to teach with an international perspective, and emphasize service. I will be sending out info to the parents and kids soon -- it is a small school (120 kids) so I don't think we'll get an overwhelming amount of stuff. I did want to ask you something -- the art teacher and I were talking about it and thought it might be good to send some notes from our kids and photos to the kids in Mysore along with the supplies. What do you think? And do you think you could take photos and email them to me when you give the kids the supplies so our kids can see where their donations are going?When are you going to Mysore -- I guess I should know that so I can make sure you get everything in time!
Kristi aka yogamum
If you would like to donate art supplies, please just leave me a message and I will send you my mailing address! Anything will help and be appreciated!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
stud muffins...umm, i mean cake
all i needed was some whole wheat flour and baking soda. so i walked to the health food store up the street and bought those two needed items. walked back home and could not find my muffin pan....see, i told you i never bake! god, how long has that been missing????
so, this is a cake. it is supposed to be muffins..Stud Muffins to be precise, but my studs will love it all the same ;0) (i hope!)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
taking what comes

Friday, September 5, 2008
on being clear

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
our second home
we painted the inside of the house for 3 days...a 3 bedroom,with living room, dining room and a huge family room....my hands hurt! We have a team of guys in there redoing the kitchen this week as well as laying new carpeting..so, it is on its way to being finished. It looks amazing, and now I just have to find the perfect tenants! I will~things have a way of working out nicely~~~~