
Friday, February 15, 2008


My children are growing up so fast...one is already the father of two, and my youngest is turning 17 in June. Wow...where in the world did the time go? I was in a meeting this morning with his teacher for 3 hours. She told me he is an excellent student...and so far advanced..its nice to hear that your child does well. He will graduate from school in January. He has so many extra credits. We are so proud. I know that the sky is the limit with him.
He is such a great artist and so sensitive and kind towards others...a really wonderful son. I am blessed.
It has been so beautiful here lately. The sun is out everyday and as I walk my dogs along the streets, I see how beautiful it is here where we moved. There are so many trees and the mountains are breathtaking to behold. It is a magical place...it feels so good here. I had the mountains in Marin too...not snowy ones though!

I am supposed to run the Los Angeles Marathon in two weeks...didn't do any training while in India..but have been putting in about 20 miles a week since I returned. I promised myself I would give running up and focus only on Yoga...but this is a Runner Girl at heart. I had a classic Mercedes Benz..a 280 SEL, white with black leather interior..it was right out of "Breakfast at Tiffany's"..a head turner..I had license plates that said RNR GIRL I was a hardcore runner then (about 8 years ago) putting in 45 to 55 miles per week...I deserved those plates then! I earned them!! I suppose I will never be able to give it up. I dream of running...and when I lace up my Nikes and step outside...my feet just take me...its like I am flying.
So giving up running at this point isn't really an option...maybe when I am 90...then I will re-evaluate it all!

Life, Love and Laugh..and run often!


Ursula said...

Marathon, Tracy, I admire you.

Tracy said...

No admiring neccesary...YOU, I admire!!! Running is like going into "auto-pilot". But it will be my second Marathon in two years..and most likely my time will suck..but hey...who's in competition??!!
xxoo tracy

Ursula said...

Haha, I fight with myself, not with others.

To run a marathon is great. I won't do it because of my joints. But I think the mental exercise is interesting. It's great.

The time is not so important. To do it is enough. :)

XXOO ursula

Tracy said...

Exactly!! No time limits on this one...India took my time limits away! But I am 10 pounds lighter, and that makes for better running and better yoga!
(wish I had a bowl of your Indian soup!!)

A bird in the hand said...

You've been RNR girl for all the time I've known you ;) You sound so wonderfully fit. As soon as this wretched weather lets up, I'm going to have to go out and get back in shape. xoxo

Tracy said...

Colette~ You remember! It's true..I have been always been RNR girl! I was just thinking about you while I was doing my meditation and chanting this morning...I miss you and love you dear friend. Sending you a little something from my travels..be on the lookout!

Yogamum said...

You are so inspirational!

I awarded you something over on my blog -- check it out!