
Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Snowy Welcome Home!

I am Home! The flight was pretty hair raising though...from Korea to San Francisco at about 5 hours until landing we had the absolute WORST turbulence I have ever experienced in my entire life...I honestly thought that was it...that we were going down. The woman sitting in front of me with her little girl actually screamed at one point...thats when I grabbed onto the guys arm seated next to me and said (Ganesh this ones for you!) "OH MY GOD"....he just smiled calmy and said nothing in return. The flight attendants were practically running to get people seated and back to their seats. When it finally stopped (2 hours later) and I had been praying and while knuckling it...I got up and went to the rear of the aircraft and said to one of the male flight attendants. "I don't know how you do this for a living...because after that I don't know if I will ever fly again" to which he answered "That was pretty bad, but I have been through worse"!
Needless to say, I was very thankful when we touched ground in SF!
My husband drove up and jumped out of the car and so did Bindi one of my three dogs who came along to welcome me home. My husbands first words to me were "Your home..and so skinny"! I lost about 10 pounds, not because of sickness..I am lucky to never have gotten sick while in India. But I eat a lot less there. Things will change now..my husband has the menu planned out..and has already started cooking me "Shrimp Enchiladas" and some "Anchor Steam Beer" for dinner tonight!! I just got up..I slept last night from 7 pm until 4 pm today!! I needed that SO much and you know that my bed felt like a puffy cloud and I had all my dogs snuggled up with me and the snow falling out side..how could I get up??!!
I dreamt of India! I had a dream of Anu..she was telling me about something from her childhood..what I don't recall (sorry anu!!) then I dreamt of Ganesh..he was making some joke and then he took me on a walk through the streets of India with another Indian man. And then..who know why..I dreamt about Paris Hilton...WHY??!!! Who knows! Maybe because I am back in California...I have NO idea what so ever.
My husband and I want to sincerely thank my most Gracious Hosts, Anu and Ganesh for taking such good care of me while I was in Gokulum for 3 weeks. Ray wants me to tell you both how much he appreciates what you did for me! He said to tell you both that "You are the best people ever, and Thank You so much!" and you know its true~ you guy's are!
So for any of you readers who are single women or are with a partner but plan on going to India and are a bit apprehensive to go alone..Don't Be!! Stay with Anu and Ganesh and you will feel like you are right at home, and looked after SO well!!
I must tell you that I was a little bit dissapointed when I woke up and that Harish or Kumar were not at my door with a cup of Chai!!!
Love to you both!


Wayne said...

Welcome back - glad you had a safe, it not calm, trip!

A bird in the hand said...

Welcome home dearest Tracy. I'm sorry you had that frightening flight experience, but I was expecting you back so.....

You're nowhere near finished on this place. xoxoxoxo

Tracy said...

thank you wayne..you said it all!
colette~thank you! i am SO happy i am not yet through here as well~!~
xxooxxoo tracy

Unknown said...

The earlier comment was posted by me thru Ganesh's account.

Tracy said...

Anu!! You made my day!! Love to you and Ganesh!!Love, Tracy xxxooo