
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Helping out in India....

Last weekend my son wanted to watch our copy of "Born into Brothels" if you have not yet seen this movie, I highly recommend it. After he was done watching it, he came out and told me how much he enjoyed the movie and that when we go to India he would like to do something to help the children while we are there.

Of course I agreed as having been there myself 3 times now, each time I go I do something to help the people and the animals. The first trip we brought 2 huge suitcases filled with clothing for the Tibetans that had just arrived into India. It was a touching moment to see the gratitude and joy in their eyes...and it brought back the fact that it is indeed much better to give than to receive.

The next two trips we brought food for the stray animals and bought food everyday for the children on the street and the poor older people.

So this year we have come up with a new way to help out. We have created "Walking in their Shoes", and what we are doing this time is collecting as many pairs of children's shoes as we can until we leave for India in January of 2008.

I will be working in conjunction with Tracy at http://www.operation-shanti.org/ . They are based in Mysore, India. My son, husband and myself will be delivering the shoes when we arrive in Mysore and I will be posting photos of us giving the shoes to the children. If you would like to send a pair we would be most grateful and will be attaching on the shoestring a slip of laminated paper with your name and where you are from.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for donating to such a good cause and you know what good Karma it is as well!!

Here is my address and the cut off date will be December 15th,2007.

We are each allowed 70 pounds to take on the plane...and we have purchased extra luggage in order to bring plenty of shoes!!

Tracy Cox

242 Fairmont Drive

Grass Valley, CA


Please feel free to forward this to as many people as you feel would like to help as well~




Ursula said...

If I only could see such smiling faces in the underground every morning......

Your picture make me go to India soon, I guess (next year comes another chance)

Tracy said...

Oh are you in for a treat when you DO get there Ursula! Plenty of those beaming little faces to fill you up~!~

jenna said...

interesting... not that it's uncommon, but my maiden name is cox!

Now it's one of my middle names.

This is such a wonderful endeavor.

Tracy said...

that is interesting..it is my married name now!
Thank You for the comment..I am excited to finally be pulling something so wonderful together. It makes me feel good inside, so I know that's a good thing!