
Friday, October 17, 2008

open letter to Ganesha

an open letter to Ganesha..remover of obstacles...from my crazy, funny, adventurous friend Tracey..who, as we speak, is on her way Back to India. Her trips NEVER disappoint I might add...

Dear Ganesha,
As you probably already know, Little Red and I will arrive in your homeland of Bharat this weekend, and we are very much looking forward to it. The last time I tried to contact you, I gave this elephant (in photo of me above to right) some peanuts and asked him for a blessing of good health on the journey. I received his blessing as shown above, and thought he'd pass the message on to you. But of course it was after this that I had that ugly bout with Giardia - so I'm thinking that either you were really upset about that one helping of beef I had in the bolognaise sauce at the hotel that first night, or perhaps said elephant wasn't really a messenger at all and was really just out for the peanuts.But I digress.Anyway, I know you’re busy being the most worshipped deity in the Hindu pantheon, but I was thinking that if it isn't too much trouble that you could ensure our good health and safe passage to and throughout India. I also have high hopes that this trip will spiritually reset us both, as sometimes the small things in life tend to take us over and we forget how lucky we really are. Clearly going to India will remind us of this. And also, it would be really swell if you could hook us up with a great tour group with which we will enjoy fun times and great adventure with - preferably one that includes a set of hot twin brothers, with British accents. We'd both really appreciate that. ;-)I know your probably thinking, "Well fine, but what's in this for me?" I'll tell you - Little Red promises that when she gets married she's going to have no less than 3 living elephants at her wedding, decorated in your honor, like the one above. Of course, admittedly, she doesn't know this yet, but we have a 16 hour flight to Delhi on which I will speak of it incessantly until she concedes ;-) Let the adventure begin!Thank you for your attention. Please pass on my regards to Shiva and Parvati.
P.S. - Little Red's mom says hi.


A bird in the hand said...

I love her humor. It's sweet too!

Marie said...

Hi Tracy-

I love your letter. I know you're going to have a great trip.

It was very touching to read about the healing.


Tracy said...

my friend tracey is an amazing writer! she has a book in the works as a matter of fact!!
thanks marie...i'm happy that it touched you, it was a beautiful thing to experience and be a part of~
xxoo to you both!