
Monday, March 31, 2008

Special Friends.....

OK...perhaps they look like the new "Bonnie and Clyde" in this shot...but I think that's why I liked it so much. Heather and Nic, our dearest friends. When we first met Heather..my husband and I were just so amazed by her....she really is a Fairy...and now I know that Fairies DO exsist! Nic...well for all of you that loved "CHIPS"..he is Ponch to the Max! They are both just too damn cute! I swear when we hang out with each other...the time just flies by. I mean..we get together to have dinner and we always close the place down! We have so much to talk about....and laugh about....
we just can't fit it all in in one visit. Can it really be true that I am old enough to be their mother? Yes, it is true, but none of us believe it...were just the best of friends and we relate so well on every level...Heather and Nic are the most perfect couple..whatever that means...you know the saying..but what they are really... is they are Soul Mates and they are simply two of the dearest friends that anyone could ever ask for in their lives. My husband and I feel Inspired, Enlightened, Renewed and we feel lighter as beings after having spent time with them. We are Blessed...as they bless us each time we see them.
I wish so much that everyone could have a set of friends such as they are to us.
We LOVE you guys!

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