
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Reel Youth "Goonda"

I just got the OK to post this to my blog! I hope you will all take a moment to watch it.
It is a very short documentary done by a young couple who traveled to South India and worked with Operation Shanti and the street kids...got to know them a little and helped to change their lives and them theirs I am sure. I can't watch it with dry eyes...but that is just me and my connection to India I am sure....but I do hope you will take a moment afterwards to visit Operation Shanti's website which is located to the right of my blog in the links....and perhaps do a little something if you have the extra funds!


Here's to you Reel Youth for making this available for everyone to see..and for going there are doing your part to "Be that Change" that we can all be if we just open our eyes and our hearts and make the effort. It's really quite simple to do~



Unknown said...

Dear Tracy, We cut short a wonderful holidays of ours (to shimla, close to Kashmir) and returned home. The reason being, our beloved dog Poochie died. It would take sometime for us to get over this loss. Just thought i shall keep you informed about this. will keep you posted of the progress. take care and god bless. say hi to Ray - ganesh

Tracy said...

Dearest Ganesh~ I am so, so saddened by this news...I have sent you and Anu a private email..I love you both so much. I am there with you in spirit...and I am mourning your loss from here in America. All of our love,Tracy and Ray

Hellotmf said...

Hi Tracy, Can you please send me the proper information on how I can donate to Operation Shanti. I just watched this video and was touched by it enormously. I'd like to support this cause. One day, I hope I can go there and help them the way you did!

Tracy said...

Tracey....you are ALWAYS helping out with important causes. You are such a giving soul. I sent you an email...and I Thank You..and so does Operation Shanti!
Love you girl!
Tracy xxoo