
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Life is so Magical

I don't know where to begin...
but Life is so good and it really is so full of Magic everywhere you look.
If you just pause to take it all in, just to be quiet for a small moment..the things you will really see even without using your Eyes...

The way you can touch another persons life..without you even touching them physically....
the emotions that will pour forth, when you least expect it.

This Life, this Gift, we are all a part of this huge wondrous "goings on"..yet is it really going on?
I was moved to tears today...as I am on most days...but when it affects another individual on such a deep level, you can't help but shed a tear of two...

I am so extremely Blessed...
Oh, this Magical Life.....
no words really can describe it all....
it just IS!

Om Shanti~


peaceloveyoga said...

Wow...it does sound magical. Its moments like that make life special.

Much Love,

Tracy said...

every moment...at least I try to make it so~
I just noticed were both Virgos!
xxoo Tracy