
Monday, November 5, 2007

Close call....

OMG....My Passport and Visa were due to be delivered to me by 3pm today via Fed Ex...

It Never arrived...

I felt sick to my stomach sending them off in the first place instead of just driving into San Francisco and doing this all in person..

So I called the Indian Embassy...30 mins. later I spoke to a real live human....

they put me on hold to look for it..

and yes, I did get disconnected.


15 mins later I got a real live human being again and Begged her not to put me on hold...

they said they were looking for my Passport.

I began to cry, silently

then they came back and told me they found it! It would go out today!

It was so scary. If you have ever heard of the things that some people do to get hold of an American Passport...to sell....all sorts of thoughts were running through my mind.

But then I came back to the Breath and Trusted that it would all be OK....

and it was!

India...I am Coming back to you!



Linda-Sama said...

love that pic, tracy! it surely screams India...less than 2 months and I'm there! you really need to post that pic on India Mike!

Hellotmf said...

I love that photo of you! It's fantastic!

Okay, now I must spank you about your visa!

Next time, use these people http://www.visaconnection.com

Yes, it costs some money - but it gives you both peace of mind and ensures it's done correctly. (My fees were the $60 consolate fee, VC $75.00 and return postage $25)

My friend is from India - he wanted to send his daughter home as a birthday present. He bought her a $1300 ticket home, but she never got her passport/visa from the Indian consolate and he lost all that flight money, and his daughter was disappointed. It's just not worth it - it's just better to use the service, they make sure it's done right.

On a better note, I'm so excited about your trip! I can't wait to hear all about it!


A bird in the hand said...

That was a difficult moment! It worked out fine because you are on a heartfelt mission...how could it not?

The cover of your journal came together tonight. I'm very pleased with it (a good sign, because I'm my harshest critic), and I hope you will be too. I'll photograph it in the morning and send it to you. If you approve it, I'll attach it to the cover.


Tracy said...

Tracey...Thank You for that info! I deserved that spanking!!
OMG...you are too wonderful my friend~I can't wait!

Unknown said...

always seems to work out, dosen't it?
less than a month for me. i took care of the visa today.

Tracy said...

lisa...i read about you and your visa day...oh boy! it all does work out though..that is for sure. And it is all worth it too!