
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Stop Global Warming stocking stuffer....

I just purchased some of these myself..http://usa.roots.com/ they donate 100% of the proceeds to the Stop Global Warming Fund! We MUST do what we can in every way possible..and this is a small start...as things aren't going to heal on their own.


peaceloveyoga said...

I couldn't agree more. This is a REAL issue. Our society to totally out of touch with the Earth and reality.

Isn't interesting the very thing that will HEAL us we are destroying...

Love the bracelet! Bringing some to India?


Tracy said...

I know, it should very well be at the forefront and yet...it dwindles behind...it seems. I guess it will really hit people when the "sh*t actually hits the fan" (as my mom used to say) and Yes! I am bringing one for my friend LG! xxooxxoo