
Thursday, December 18, 2008

ileana~~~~~~Thank You for the Art Supplies!!!!

so....this was Quite the unexpected surprise this afternoon!!
My friend Lydia (see post below) had sent me some art supplies earlier this week for the kids of Karunya Mane..and then, much to my utter amazement and sheer Delight...another BIG box arrived today from one of her best friends in Miami..Ileana~~
I do not know Ileana...and have certainly never met her, but she sent me the most wonderful box filled with Glue Sticks, Coloring Books, Pencil Sharpeners, Stickers....colored pencils and some multi-colored pipe cleaners! WOW!
What can I say...once again, the kindness of a stranger has captured my emotions and yes...Made Me Cry!
Thank You Ileana, Thank You for your thoughtful kindness, your compassion for those children whom you have never met..I just hope you know how much of a difference you will be making in their lives...and in mine.
Shanti my friend~~~~

(I have one more big box coming from Kristi soon..and then I will have reached my limit for what I can carry with me to India. So, I am VERY happy to announce that I am no longer accepting donations for The Colors of Love!!!! Thank You SO much to all of you who donated either Money or Art Supplies for the kids of Karunya Mane~ I will be sending each and everyone who gave, something wonderful upon my return from India!!!)


Wayne said...

Wishing you and your family much peace and love - Shanti.

Tracy said...

Thank You so much Wayne~ I wish you and your girls the same and more!
xo Tracy