
Sunday, June 29, 2008

birthdays and glitter!

This morning while I was checking in on Operation Shantis Blog...I clicked on "calendar", and I noticed all of the birthdays that are coming up for the children of Karunya Mane...and I had this idea~ Make Birthday cards for the kids and send them in a big envelope once a month!! I have SO many bottles of powered glitter..and rubber stamps and stickers and...well, you get the picture, I have everything needed to create many wonderful, fun cards for the kids! So I sat down and went back into Mays calendar so that no one would be left out..and I made 6 glittery, fun birthday cards! This will be my new monthly tradition for the children of Karunya Mane and I had a special store bought one for my dear Manjula as well!
They are on their way as of Monday!! Happy Birthday to the children of Karunya Mane!!!!


peaceloveyoga said...

How fun! You are so kind and generous...I enjoy your enthusiasm!!

Tracy said...

i just thought of the Joy it would bring to them..the rest was a "piece of cake" ....so to speak!
;0) xxoo

A bird in the hand said...

What a wonderful idea, and so very YOU.

Tracy said...

oh yes..you remember those days of glitter huh colette!! :0) i still have so much left over!!!