
Monday, June 2, 2008

could it ever be

this photo brings back such good memories for me...
it was taken in Fort Cochin, in the south of India..the place where I will be living one day.
My husband and I were out walking yesterday with our dogs, and we were discussing the difference between India and the US, and the price you pay to be at peace...
well, I don't think I will go into that in depth, because if you haven't experienced the actual Peace that I am referring to IN India..well, you just won't "Get It"
We are born into this "Hurry Up"..."Quick".."Get there Faster"..."What's the Fastest Way"...sort of mentality here in the US and frankly..I can''t WAIT until I no longer have to be a part of it all.
There is a calmness, a s...l...o...w...e...r way of doing everything and just of everyday life in India, that you just will Never see here. I have never felt more at Peace and just this serenity that fills me up as I do when I am back "home" in India.
I so wish we had just a tiny piece of that here....but we don't. People have no idea of how to even comprehend being slower and relaxing. Its so unfortunate really...
I long for the day when it will be my everyday life. I try to bring it home with me..in all of my trips to Asia...I have tried each and everytime to just "keep that" with me, and sure enough within a month tops..I am back into the crazy everyday life of an average american...and I don't like it. Not one bit. It's the reason for all the
Heart Attacks, Strokes, Depression...etc. that many of americans suffer from...way sad...
Oh well..enough of my lecture for tonight...my lesson on life and being relaxed so to speak~~~~
Om Shanti!


Anonymous said...

I hear you Tracy, I understand! I can't wait until my life is slower. I don't know when it will be, but I'm determined, one day, it will happen... Tracey

The Massey Family said...

Hi Tracy,

Yes, it is nice to lead life at a slower pace...although I worry that I may be lonely in the village. Mainly because my husband won't be here...it would be perfect if we could be here together! Email is our only contact right now.

Tracy said...

well tracey, you are working towards that~that is for sure!
meagan, i was thinking the same thing when i was reading your blog yesterday! i would SO love to be there with you right now and i know the feeling of wishing you were with someone else too...but i know you, and you will be fine. one day i would love to do what you are doing though.....
be well my friend~

A bird in the hand said...

I agree with you. It's a struggle to maintain any peacefulness, and it's gotten worse with cellphones I think because everyone is bringing their "private business" to the streets. (I think cellphones should be used only when absolutely necessary.)


Linda-Sama said...

hey, tracy, it's nice to see your comments again on my blog....

remember you can't stay indefintely in india, 180 days at a time on a tourist visa...unless you are going to get some type of other visa!

Tracy said...

were thinking of a ten year visa linda...
if they are still an option at the time of departure~